European Provision of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales

In close relation with a number of European stakeholders, this project aims to develop a few fully working prototypes of climate services while maximising the societal benefit of using seasonal to decadal predictions. The prototypes will provide working examples of 'end-to-end' climate-to-impacts-to-decision-making services operating on the Seasonal and Decadal (S2D) time scales. We will try to demonstrate how climate information can become directly usable by decision makers in different sectors (e.g. Water, Energy, Transport, Food security, Health, etc.). We also aim to develop a knowledge-sharing protocol necessary to promote the use of these technologies through  a set of standard tools and techniques tailored to the needs of stakeholders for calibrating, downscaling, and modelling sector-specific impacts on S2D timescales.  The climate impact indicators used in each sector are developed in close collaboration with the stakeholders, emphasizing the effect of such indicator in future decisions making. We participate in the “SOSRhine” case study together with DWD (German Meteorological Service) and BFG (German Federal Institute of Hydrology) where we aim to produce seasonal streamflow products to support inland water transport for the Rhine river. Our contribution is to provide BFG with bias corrected seasonal forecast for a set of meteorological parameters for streamflow simulations for the Rhine River.

A big effort is also made to harmonize definitions and calculations of climate indices (indicators, climate extreme indices, Tier 1) and other user specific climate impact indicators developed  within the project. An ongoing work is presented in the webpage of ECA&D where the ET-SCI indices calculated using E-OBS are presented.

Figure 1: Annual Heavy precipitation days (R10mm)

EUPORIAS is a European project funded from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme