A new algorithm for total ozone retrieval from direct sun measurements with a filter instrument

WMF Wauben

In this report a new algorithm is presented which derives the ozone column density from attenuated direct solar radiation measured at two wavelengths in the ultraviolet.
The attenuation of direct solar radiation by ozone, molecules and aerosol is considered in this retrieval algorithm for so-called total ozone.
A correction is applied for the spectral attenuation by molecular scattering and the attenuation by aerosol is assumed to be independent of wavelength.
The ozone column density can then be derived by using the spectral dependence of the ozone absorption cross-section in combination with the spectrum of the incident solar radiation.
If the measurements are absolutely calibrated, the aerosol optical thickness can also be obtained.

Bibliographic data

WMF Wauben. A new algorithm for total ozone retrieval from direct sun measurements with a filter instrument
KNMI number: WR-96-01, Year: 1996, Pages: 0

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