A note on wind speed and sea state dependence of the heat exchange coefficient

VK Makin

Both, mean and wave-induced motions generate turbulence in the
air flow above sea waves. Assuming the local balance between
production of the turbulent kinetic energy and its
dissipation, an explicit relation for the heat exchange
coefficient $C_H$ is obtained. It is shown that $C_H$ follows
the square root dependence on the sea drag $C_D$. However, the
proportionality coefficient appears to depend on the sea
state, expressed in terms of the coupling parameter.
Dependence on the sea state suppresses the $C_D^{1/2}$
wind-speed dependence, and results in a marginal increase of $C_H$
with increase in the wind speed.

Bibliographic data

VK Makin. A note on wind speed and sea state dependence of the heat exchange coefficient
Status: published, Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol., Volume: 91, Year: 1999, First page: 127, Last page: 134

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