Bias adjustment and long-term verification of radar-based precipitation estimates

I Holleman

Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) based on weather radar observations are used more and more for water management, in Numerical Weather Prediction models, and for monitoring of severe weather. A straightforward method for bias adjustment of radar-based and hourly-updated precipitation accumulations is described. In addition a longterm verification of the bias-adjusted composites over a six year period using (in)dependent gauge data is presented. It is found that the adjustment scheme effectively removes the mean-field bias from the raw accumulations. The adjustment method cannot correct for a range-dependent bias and therefore it is recommended to also use a (simple) VPR adjustment procedure.

Bibliographic data

I Holleman. Bias adjustment and long-term verification of radar-based precipitation estimates
Status: published, Journal: Meteorological Applications (Royal Met. Society), Volume: 14, Year: 2007, First page: 195, Last page: 203

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