First verification of SCIAMACHY\'s Absorbing Aerosol Index product

M de Graaf, P Stammes

Some preliminary results about the verification and validation of SCIAMACHY's Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) are presented. The operational AAI level 2 product of SCIAMACHY is compared to our own AAI algorithm, developed at KNMI. The operational product shows general agreement with the KNMI algorithm but both suffer from large errors in reflectances, resulting in a large off-set. Also, the neglect of polarisation in the operational product introduces significant errors.

Bibliographic data

M de Graaf, P Stammes. First verification of SCIAMACHY\'s Absorbing Aerosol Index product
Conference: Envisat Validation Workshop, Organisation: ESA-ESRIN, Place: Frascati, Italy, First page: 0, Last page: 0

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