High Quality Velocity Data using Dual-PRF

I Holleman, H Beekhuis

Dual Pulse Repetition Frequency (dual-PRF) technique is available on many operational Doppler weather radars in Europe. This technique is used for extension of the unambiguous velocity interval, but it produces isolated dealiasing errors. A method for the extraction of the velocity standard deviation and the fraction of dealiasing errors from raw velocity data is described. The standard deviation and the fraction of dealiasing errors are related using a simple model. A post-processing algorithm for the production of high quality dual-PRF velocity data has been developed and validated. The post-processing algorithm is very efficient, and it enables further application of dual-PRF velocity data in warning products, dual-Doppler wind field synthesis, and Numerical Weather Prediction models.

Bibliographic data

I Holleman, H Beekhuis. High Quality Velocity Data using Dual-PRF
Journal: ERAD Publication Series, Volume: 1, Year: 2002, First page: 261, Last page: 265

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