KNMI Radar Methods

HRA Wessels

Herman R.A. Wessels has worked as a (senior) scientist at KNMI from 1962 until his retirement in January 2003. During these forty years he has been active in a broad meteorological field ranging from synoptical meteorology, climatology, visibility and fog, ice growth, deep convection, lightning to weather radar. In the field of weather radar, Herman has been deeply involved in the transition from analog display to digital data processing and all related issues, like suppression of (anomalous propagation) clutter, geographical (re)projection, compositing of national and foreign radar data, and determination of radar echotops.

Before his retirement Herman Wessels has compiled a set of documents describing the state-of-the-art of the KNMI radar methods at that time. This Technical Report which is based on these documents contains valuable (historical) information on the KNMI radar systems operational during the 90's. In addition, knowledge on radar meteorology and algorithms can be found in the documents. Finally, I would like to stress that the technical information in this report should be used with care as it may be outdated by now.

Iwan Holleman,
December 1, 2006.

Bibliographic data

HRA Wessels. KNMI Radar Methods
KNMI number: TR-293, Year: 2006, Pages: 125

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