Review of the KNMI clutter removal scheme

I Holleman, H Beekhuis

In this technical report it is demonstrated that the current clutter removal scheme can be transformed to a method for 3-dimensional polar data by a few (minor) modifications. The performance of the proposed clutter rejection scheme has been evaluated using three cases. Furthermore a quantitative evaluation of the current and proposed clutter removal scheme using one month of radar data is presented. It is found that the proposed scheme produces cleaner reflectivity images where the residual clutter close to the radar and especially the sea clutter are removed more effectively. Therefore it is highly recommended to implement the proposed clutter rejection scheme during the technical upgrade of the KNMI weather radars.

Bibliographic data

I Holleman, H Beekhuis. Review of the KNMI clutter removal scheme
KNMI number: TR-284, Year: 2005, Pages: 0

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