To determine the wind speed over small inland water bodies, the wind measured at land stations has to be transformed to an open-water wind. The current transformation method used by Rijkswaterstaat employs the blending-height concept, which is a simplification of the Wieringa-Rijkoort Two-Layer Model. We here assess the validity of this approach by applying it to output form the high-resolution weather model HARMONIE. It turns out that the modelled winds in HARMONIE at land points and adjacent water points are not related according to the blending-height concept or the full Wieringa-Rijkoort model. Rather than using these models to infer the open-water wind, a well-calibrated and evaluated numerical atmosphere model should be used.
A. Sterl. Wind across land-water transitions: Application of an analytical model to numerical model output
KNMI number: TR-381, Year: 2019, Pages: 28