Naar aanleiding van vragen van zeevarenden heeft het KNMI besloten om een beknopt (aanvullend) ha...
Modelling as a tool for supporting research on major scientific questions in atmospheric chemistr...
This report makes part of the KNMI HYDRA project and it gives an overview of the reproduction and...
Vectorization of the ECBilt model
A new representation of the canopy conductance in large scale atmospheric models, based on plant ...
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol en Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland dienen voorafgaand aan ieder gebruik...
EBEX-2000 : the KNMI/WAU contribution
These scenarios described here are an update from the WB21 [1] scenarios. Originally formulated f...
Validation of modelled ozone distributions with sonde and satellite observations
In 1995 under the auspices of KNMI the first volume of a series of 6 books was published, where i...
Calibration of EPS derived probabilities
We describe our work on QuikSCAT product validation and inversion of the backscatter data to wind...
SeaWinds data are provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at 25-km resolution, whereas mo...
Fouten in numerieke weersverwachtingen worden veelal veroorzaakt door evolutie van fouten in de b...