The production of TAFs is a time consuming business and is partly based on routine. Especially du...
Decadal climate variability is studied within the context of a coupled atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice m...
This paper discusses an important issue related to the implementation and interpretation of t...
De elfstedentocht. Een fenomeen zo Nederlands als Beerenburg. Veel boeken zijn er aan gewijd; ove...
Environmental and climatic consequences of aviation: final report of the KNMI contributions to th...
Global radiation measurements in the operational KNMI meteorological network: effects of pollutio...
KALCORR: a kalman-correction model for real-time road surface temperature forecasting
Macroseismische waarnemingen Roswinkel 19-2-1997
Operationele UV-metingen bij het KNMI
Vergelijking van de Vaisala’s HMP233 en HMP243 relatieve luchtvochtigheidsmeters