Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. A regional ocean circulation model for the mid-Cretaceous North Atlantic Basin: implications for black shale formation

    High concentrations of organic matter accumulated in marine sediments during Oceanic Anoxic Event...

    RPM Topper, J Trabucho Alexandre, E Tuenter, PT Meijer | published | Climate of the Past | 2011 | 7
  2. On the quality of high‐resolution scatterometer winds

    High‐resolution wind products based on space‐borne scatterometer measurements by ASCAT and SeaWin...

    J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen, A Verhoef, J Figa-Saldana | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2011 | 116
  3. NWP model error structure functions obtained from scatterometer winds

    Wind vectors derived from scatterometer measurements are spatially detailed as compared to global...

    J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | published | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2011 | 50
  4. over a decade of glass has accelerated land surface model development

    b van den hurk | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2011 | 92
  5. the second phase of the global land-atmosphere coupling experiment:soil moisture contributions to subseasonal forecast skill

    b van den hurk | published | J. Hydrometeor. | 2011 | 12
  6. drought and ecosystem carbon cycling

    bjjm van den hurk | published | Agric. and Forest Met. | 2011 | 151
  7. Innovations Flooding.

    J Kluck, M Glasbergen, AMG Klein Tank | published | Sewer system journal Riolering | 2011 | 17
  8. Observation of slant column NO2 using the super-zoom mode of AURA-OMI

    LC Valin, AR Russell, EJ Bucsela, JP Veefkind, RC Cohen | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2011 | 4
  9. De Staat van het Klimaat 2010

    Overzicht van actuele ontwikkelingen in wetenschappelijke kennis en beleid op het gebied van klim...

    R van Dorland, W Dubelaar-Versluis, B Jansen | published | 2011 | PCCC
  10. Statistical post processing of model output from the air quality model LOTOS-EUROS

    A Pijnappel | Stageverslag | 24-11-2011 | pp52
  11. Storm surges and high discharge

    The low-lying Netherlands is at risk from multiple threats of sea level rise, storm surges and ex...

    S Kew, FM Selten, G Lenderink | 30-12-2011 | pp41
  12. Soil moisture and root water uptake in climate models

    JC van Dam, K Metselaar, L Wipfler, RA Feddes, E van Meijgaard, B van den Hurk | 2011 | 2011
  13. Ruimtelijke klimatologische verschillen binnen Nederland

    Weer- en klimaatinformatie wordt gebruikt in veel sectoren in de samenleving, zoals het waterbehe...

    D Wolters, C Homan, J Bessembinder | --2011 | pp92
  14. Kwaliteit statistische modelverwachtingen voor slecht zicht condities op luchthaven Schiphol (periode 1 juni 2008 - 1 juni 2011)

    In 2007-2008 heeft het KNMI in opdracht van het KDC (Knowledge & Development Centre) van luch...

    N Maat, H van Bruggen, D Vogelezang | 2011 | KNMI | 2011
  15. Coupling of the air quality model LOTOS-EUROS to the climate model RACMO

    Ozone and particulate matter have an adverse impact on the health of humans and other organisms. ...

    A Manders, B van Ulft, E van Meijgaard, M Schaap | published | 2011
  16. Robert Fitz Roy: zeeman en meteoroloog (deel 2)

    W Lablans, G van der Schrier | published | Meteorologica | 2011 | 20
  17. Tropical and subtropical cloud transitions in weather and climate prediction models: The GCSS/WGNE Pacific Cross-Section Intercomparison (GPCI)

    J Teixeira, S Cardoso, M Bonazzola, and more, E van Meijgaard, R Neggers, AP Siebesma | published | J. Climate | 2011 | 24
  18. Wereldgemiddelde temperatuur 2010 behoort tot de top 3

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  19. Koude start van de winter 2010-2011

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  20. La Niña achter cycloon Yasi in Australië

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  21. April in klimatologisch perspectief

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  22. Tendensen in extreme neerslagintensiteit

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  23. Zware onweersbuien in augustus

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  24. Winterverwachtingen: zinvol of niet?

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38
  25. Stadseffect in kaart gebracht met hulp van weeramateurs

    R van Dorland | published | Zenit | 2011 | 38