Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Cloud lidar research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and KNMI2B2, version 2 cloud lidar analysis software documentation

    Cloud lidar research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and KNMI2B2, version 2 clo...

    A.Y. Fong and A.C.A.P. van Lammeren | --1995 | pp93
  2. Numerical studies on the Lorenz-84 atmosphere model

     Numerical studies on the Lorenz-84 atmosphere model

    Leonardo Anastassiades | --1995 | pp64
  3. Probabilities of climatic change

    In the present WR we evaluate a 4000 year spinup of the ocean component of the KNMI ECBILT coupl...

    Wieger Fransen (ed.) and Alice Reuvekamp | --1995 | pp164
  4. UHF radar observation of strato-tropospheric transfers on the anticyclonic side of a jet streak.

    F Bertin, PFJ van Velthoven, A Crémieu, R Ney, R Beugin | published | Annual Geoph. | 1995
  5. Aircraft Measurements of O3, HNO3 and N2O in the Winter Arctic Lower Stratosphere During the Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiment by Aircraft Measurements (STREAM) 1.

    A Bregman, PFJ van Velthoven, FG Wienhold, H Fischer, T Zenker, A Waibel, A Frenzel, F Arnold, GW Harris, MJA Bolder, J Lelieveld | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1995 | 100
  6. An intercomparison of three vegetation/soil models for a sparse vineyard canopy

    BJJM van den Hurk, A Verhoef, A van de Berg, H de Bruin | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 1995 | 121
  7. Validation of the surface parametrization of HIRLAM using surface-based measurements and remote sensing data

    A case study has been done in which ground-based and remote sensing data have been used to valida...

    AF Moene, HAR de Bruin, AAM Holtslag | 10-7-1995 | pp0
  8. TEBEX observations of clouds and radiation - potential and limitations

    TEBEX observations of clouds and radiation - potential and limitations

    P. Stammes, A.J. Feijt, A.C.A.P. van Lammeren, G.J. Prangsma | --1994 | pp50
  9. Standaard stralingsmetingen met een zonnevolger

    Standaard stralingsmetingen met een zonnevolger

    A.C.A.P. van Lammeren en A. Hulshof | --1994 | pp45
  10. Theoretical studies of the impact of Doppler Wind Lidar data: the preparation of a data base

    A Stoffelen, GJ Cats, LM Hafkenscheid, APM Baede | 1994 | ECMWF | 1994
  11. Cloud-radiation-hydrological interactions : measuring and modeling

    The KNMI has built an environment to study clouds-radiation-hydrologic interactions for climate m...

    AJ Feijt, R van Dorland, ACAP van Lammeren, E van Meijgaard, P Stammes | 1-1-1994 | pp0
  12. Characterisation and assimilation of ERS scatterometer measurements

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | 1994 | 1994 | ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  13. Characterisation and assimilation of ERS-1 scatterometer measurements

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | 1994 | 1994 | ESA
  14. 2ERS-1 scatterometer data assimilation

    A Stoffelen, C Gaffard, D Anderson | 1993 | 1993 | ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  15. Characterisation of ERS-1 scatterometer measurements and wind retrieval

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson | 1993 | 1993 | ESA | ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  16. Validation of ERS-1 altimeter wave height measurements and assimilation in a North Sea wave model

    C Mastenbroek, V Makin, A Voorrips, GJ Komen | published | The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System | 1994 | 2
  17. The ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forestThe ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forest

    The ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forest

    F.C. Bosveld, W. Bouten, F. Noppert, E.G. Steingröver, A. Tiktak | --1993 | pp17
  18. On the effects of limited spectral resolution in third-generation wave models

    On the effects of limited spectral resolution in third-generation wave models

    I.V. Lavrenov and J.R.A. Onvlee | --1993 | pp24
  19. 2Characaterisation of ERS-1 scatterometer measurements and wind retrieval

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson | 1993 | 1993 | ESA/ESTEC | ESA/ESTEC
  20. Wind retrieval and ERS-1 radar backscatter measurements

    ACM Stoffelen, DLT Anderson | published | Adv. Space Res. | 1993 | 13
  21. From measurement to model: ERS-1 scatterometer data assimilation

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | 1993 | 1993
  22. On the construction of a regional atmospheric climate model

    On the construction of a regional atmospheric climate model

    Jens H. Christensen and Erik van Meijgaard | --1992 | pp29
  23. ERS-1 scatterometer calibration and validation activities at ECMWF: A. The quality and characteristics of the radar backscatter measurements

    ACM Stoffelen, DLT Anderson | 1992 | 1992 | ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  24. ERS-1 scatterometer calibration and validation activities at ECMWF: B. From radar backscatter characteristics to wind vector solutions

    ACM Stoffelen, DLT Anderson, PM Woiceshyn | 1992 | 1992 | ESA/ESTEC
  25. A parametrization of the convective atmospheric boundary layer and its application into a global climate model

    A parametrization of the convective atmospheric boundary layer and its application into a global ...

    A.A.M.Holtslag, B.A. Boville, C.-H. Moeng | --1991 | pp25