Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Opties TMCF/TDOPF werkzaamheden

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-897 | 31-10-2007 | pp0
  2. Running L2 PGE\'s for Collection 3

    JJ Claas | TN-OMIE-KNMI-894 | 18-9-2007 | pp0
  3. Detector row anomaly

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-892 | 6-9-2007 | pp0
  4. EMC uitbreiding

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-883 | 21-6-2007 | pp0
  5. Dispositions TMCF LUT Anomaly

    JJ Claas | TN-OMIE-KNMI-881 | 21-6-2007 | pp0
  6. Readiness Test Report DISC L2 Ingest

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-874 | 20-4-2007 | pp0
  7. DISC ingest of the OMAERO and OMO3PRO products

    JJ Claas | TN-OMIE-KNMI-873 | 4-4-2007 | pp0
  8. OMI reprocessing status

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-872 | 28-3-2007 | pp0
  9. Test Plan Reprocessing Readiness Test

    JJ Claas | PL-OMIE-KNMI-870 | 27-2-2007 | pp0
  10. Infra Support voor het OMI grondsysteem

    JJ Claas | PL-OMIE-KNMI-869 | 29-1-2007 | pp0
  11. A single-column model intercomparison of a heavily drizzling stratocumulus topped boundary layer

    This study presents an intercomparison of single-column model simulations of a nocturnal heavily ...

    MC Wyant, CS Bretherton, A Chlond, BM Griffin, H Kitagawa, CL Lappen, VE Larson, A Lock, S Park, SR de Roode, M Zhao, AS Ackerman | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2007 | 112
  12. recent tropical field campaigns in Paramaribo, Suriname

    GHL Verver, JPF Fortuin, F Immler, C Becker, M DeMaziere, B Dix, J Notholt, S Naipal, O Schrems, M Fujiwara | 2007 | 2007 | SPARC - SCOUT- NDACC - CNRS
  13. A new tropospheric and stratospheric Chemistry and Transport Model MOCAGE-Climat for multi-year studies: evaluation of the present-day climatology and sensitivity to surface processes

    We present the configuration of the Météo-France Chemistry and Transport Model (CTM) MOCAGE-Clima...

    H Teyssèdre, M Michou, HL Clark, B Josse, F Karcher, D Olivié, VH Peuch, D Saint-Martin, D Cariolle, JL Attié, P Nédélec, P Ricaud, V Thouret, RJ van der A, A Volz-Thomas | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2007 | 7
  14. Zeespiegelstijging Nederland \'slechts\' twee meter als Groenland smelt

    F de Pater, CA Katsman | published | H2O | 2007 | 40
  15. Major James Rennell\'s current charts digitally available

    G van der Schrier, H Wallbrink, C Wilkinson | published | History of Oceanography Newsletter | 2007 | 19
  16. Multi-model simulations of the impact of international shipping on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in 2000 and 2030

    The global impact of shipping on atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing, as well as the asso...

    V Eyring, DS Stevenson, A Lauer, FJ Dentener, T Butler, WJ Collins, K Ellingsen, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, MG Lawrence, A Richter, JM Rodriguez, M Sanderson, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa, TPC van Noije, O Wild | published | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | 2007 | 7
  17. The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. Part III: Behaviour and quality of the radiation measurements

    W Kohsiek, C Liebethal, T Foken, R Vogt, SP Oncley, C Bernhofer, HAR de Bruin | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2007 | 123
  18. New climate change scenarios for the Netherlands

    BJJM van den Hurk, AMG Klein Tank, G Lenderink, A van Ulden, GJ van Oldenborgh, C Katsman, H van den Brink, F Keller, J Bessembinder, G Burgers, G Komen, W Hazeleger, S Drijfhout | published | Water Science and Technology | 2007 | 56
  19. REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years (RETRO) — A long-term global modeling study of tropospheric chemistry

    MG Schultz, L Backman, Y Balkanski, S Bjoerndalsaeter, R Brand, JP Burrows, S Dalsoeren, M de Vasconcelos, B Grodtmann, DA Hauglustaine, A Heil, JJ Hoelzemann, ISA Isaksen, J Kaurola, W Knorr, A Ladstaetter-Weißenmayer, B Mota, D Oom, J Pacyna, D Panasiuk, JMC Pereira, T Pulles, J Pyle, S Rast, A Richter, N Savage, C Schnadt, M Schulz, A Spessa, J Staehelin, JK Sundet, S Szopa, K Thonicke, M van het Bolscher, T van Noije, P van Velthoven, AF Vik, F Wittrock | 2007 | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | 2007
  20. Eddy-permitting Ocean Circulation Hindcasts of Past Decades

    The DRAKKAR Group, W Hazeleger, C Severijns | published | Clivar Exchanges | 2007 | 12
  21. EC-EARTH Science and Implementation Plan

    There is an increasing need for meteorological institutes and academic institutions to inform pol...

    Wilco Hazeleger, EC-EARTH consortium | 25-7-2007 | pp22
  22. Readiness Test for the DISC-S4PA ingest of OMI L2 products

    JJ Claas | TN-OMIE-KNMI-873 | 0-0-2007 | pp0
  23. Readiness Test Report for the DISC-S4PA ingest of OMI L2 products

    JJ Claas | RP-OMIE-KNMI-874 | 9-7-2007 | pp0
  24. Mass balance of a slope glacier on Kilimanjaro and its sensitivity to climate

    Meteorological and glaciological measurements obtained at 5,873 m a.s.l. on Kersten Glacier, a sl...

    T Mölg, DR Hardy, G Kaser, EJ Klok, NJ Cullen | published | Int. J. Climatology | 2007
  25. Emissions of gaseous mercury from biomass burning in South America in 2005 observed during CARIBIC flights

    R Ebinghaus, F Slemr, CAM Brenninkmeijer, PFJ van Velthoven, A Zahn, M Hermann, DA O\' Sullivan, DE Oram | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2007