For the assessment of the safety of the Dutch flood defences extreme open-water winds need to be ...
In this study the influence of wind gusts on sea surface height in storm surge situations is inve...
This report presents upper-air climatology for the lower troposphere (below 850 hPa or 1.5 km) f...
Various combinations of thirteen regional climate models (RCM) and six general circulation models...
Major upgrades have been implemented over the last few years in the soil hydrology, snow and vege...
The April-May 2010 summit eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, was recorded by 14 atmospheric i...
The objective of this algorithm is to retrieve the aerosols optical properties (the extinction co...
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has published the KNMI’06 climate scenarios...
Drought as an intermittent disturbance of the water cycle interacts with the carbon cycle differe...
The atbd describes the Featuremask algorithm for the ATLID lidar signals onboard the EarthCARE sa...
ICAROHS ATBD1 consists of the following research topics: - Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document H...
Europe and its surroundings operate an impressive number of seismometers and accelerometers, acco...