ECBILT : a coupled atmosphere ocean sea-ice model for climate predictability studies
An ozone climatology based on ozonesonde measurements
Cloud lidar research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and KNMI2B2, version 2 clo...
Interim report on the KNMI contributions to the second phase of the AERO-project
In the present WR we evaluate a 4000 year spinup of the ocean component of the KNMI ECBILT coupl...
TEBEX observations of clouds and radiation - potential and limitations
Only recently, the scientific community has become to see air pollution by subsonic aircraft as p...
The KNMI has built an environment to study clouds-radiation-hydrologic interactions for climate m...
The ACIFORN hydrological programme : the water cycle of a Douglas fir forest
The earth radiation budget experiment : overview of data-processing and error sources
Turbulent exchange coeffiecients over a Douglas fir forest
Meteorologische berichtgeving voor de stormvloedkering Oosterschelde
Heat and moisture fluxes and related structure parameters in the unstable atmospheric surface lay...
Meteorologisch werkstation METIS : een blik in de toekomst
Inzameling en opslag van Cabauwmetingen : een systeemvoorstel