Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Scientists’ Views about Attribution of Global Warming

    Results are presented from a survey held among 1868 scientists studying various aspects of climat...

    B Verheggen, B Strengers, J Cook, R van Dorland, K Vringer, J Peters, H Visser, L Meyer | published | Environmental Science & Technology | 2014
  2. Severe Autumn Storms in Future Western Europe with a Warmer Atlantic Ocean

    Simulations with a very high resolution (~25km)global climate model indicate that more severe Aut...

    M Baatsen, RJ Haarsma, AJ van Delden, H de Vries | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2014
  3. Using MAX-DOAS measurements of tropospheric NO2 columns for MACC-II validation

    AM Blechschmidt, H Eskes, F Hendrick, U Kumar, E Peters, G Pinardi, AJM Piters, A Richter, M Van Roozendael, T Vlemmix | 2014 | 2014
  4. Pollution patterns in the upper troposphere over Europe and Asia observed by CARIBIC

    AK Baker, S Traud, CAM Brenninkmeijer, P Hoor, M Neumaier, DE Oram, A Rauthe-Schoch, D Sprung, S Schloegl, F Slemr, PFJ van Velthoven, H Wernli, A Zahn, H Ziereis | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2014
  5. Aerosols in the convective boundary layer: shortwave radiation effects on the coupled land-atmosphere system

    By combining observations and numerical simulations, we investigated the responses of the surface...

    E Barbaro, JVG de Arellano, HG Ouwersloot, JS Schröter, DP Donovan, MC Krol | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2014 | 119
  6. The future of Antarctica’s surface winds simulated by a high-resolution global climate model: I. Model description and validation

    R Bintanja, C Severijns, RJ Haarsma, W Hazeleger | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2014 | 119
  7. The future of Antarctica’s surface winds simulated by a high-resolution global climate model: II. Drivers of 21st century changes

    R Bintanja, C Severijns, RJ Haarsma, W Hazeleger | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2014 | 119
  8. Land surface controls on afternoon precipitation diagnosed from observational data: uncertainties and confounding factors.

    The feedback between soil moisture and precipitation has long been a topic of interest due to it...

    BP Guillod, B Orlowsky, D Miralles, AJ Teuling, PD Blanken, N Buchmann, ...., B van den Hurk, et al | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2014 | 14
  9. A perspective on different approaches to determine the contribution of transpiration to the surface moisture fluxes

    Current techniques to disentangle the total evaporative flux from the continental surface into a ...

    SJ Sutanto, B van den Hurk, et al | accepted | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2014 | 11
  10. Windstorms in northwest Europe in late 2013

    The winter period of 2013/2014 has been very active in terms of windstorms affecting northwest Eu...

    TD Hewson, L Magnusson, O Breivik, F Prates, I Tsonevsky, JW de Vries | published | ECMWF Newsletter | 2014 | 139
  11. Different Perspectives in Land Surface-Atmosphere Research

    B van den Hurk, A Verhoef | published | GEWEX Newsletter | 2014 | 24
  12. Continental-scale radar monitoring of the aerial movements of animals

    Billions of organisms travel through the air, influencing population dynamics, community interact...

    J Shamoun-Baranes, JA Alves, S Bauer, AM Dokter, O Hüppop, J Koistinen, H Leijnse, F Liechti, JR van Gasteren, JW Chapman | published | Movement Ecology | 2014 | 2
  13. Identifying the Origin of Anomalous High Tropospheric Ozone in the Ozonesonde Data at Uccle by Comparison with Nearby De Bilt

    The ozonesonde stations at Uccle (Belgium) and De Bilt (Netherlands), separated by only 175 km, o...

    R van Malderen, H de Backer, A Delcloo, M Allaart | published | Atmosphere-Ocean | 2014 | 0
  14. (Too) Hot or not? Field experiment with the KNMI thermometer screen

    The design and first results of a field experiment are described to assess the overall uncertaint...

    MJ de Haij, JR Bijma, N Proksch | 2014 | 2014 | WMO
  15. Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone – Part 1: Measurement techniques, uncertainties and availability

    Peak stratospheric chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and other ozone depleting substance (ODS) concentrati...

    B Hassler, I Petropavlovskikh, J Staehelin, PF Levelt, RJ van der A, JP Veeflind, et al. | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2014
  16. The impact of the chemical production of methyl nitrate from the NO + CH3O2 reaction on the global distributions of alkyl nitrates, nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone: a global modelling study

    The formation, abundance and distribution of organic nitrates are relevant for determining the pr...

    JE Williams, G Le Bras, A Kukui, H Ziereis, CAM Brenninkmeijer | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2014 | 14
  17. Support to Aviation Control Service (SACS): an online service for near-real-time satellite monitoring of volcanic plumes

    Volcanic eruptions emit plumes of ash and gases into the atmosphere, potentially at very high alt...

    H Brenot, N Theys, L Clarisse, J van Geffen, J van Gent, M Van Roozendael, RJ van der A, D Hurtmans, PF Coheur, C Clerbaux, P Valks, P Hedelt, F Prata, O Rasson, C Zehner | published | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | 2014
  18. The impact of land-­‐use change on the 1 sensitivity of terrestrial productivity to precipitation variability: A modelling approach

    Larger climate variability and more frequent extreme events (e.g. droughts) are expected to occur...

    L Batlle-Bayer, B van den Hurk, C Mueller, J van Minnen | published | Earth System Dynamics | 2014
  19. Interannual coupling between summertime surface temperature and precipitation: processes and implications for climate change

    Widespread negative correlations between summertime-mean temperatures and precipitation over land...

    A Berg, B Lintner, K Findell, S Seneviratne, B van den Hurk, A Ducharne, F Cheruy, S Hagemann, D Lawrence, S Malyshev, A Meier, P Gentine | accepted | J. Climate | 2014
  20. Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and Cerrado

    B Christoffersen, B van den Hurk, et al. | published | Agric. and Forest Met. | 2014 | 191
  21. Forecast-based financing: an approach for catalyzing humanitarian action based on extreme weather and climate forecasts

    Disaster risk reduction efforts traditionally focus on long-term preventative measures or post-di...

    E Coughlan de Perez, BJJM van den Hurk, M van Aalst, B Jongman, T Klose, P Suarez | accepted | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | 2014
  22. Mercury plumes in the global upper troposphere observed during flights with the CARIBIC observatory from May 2005 until June 2013.

    F Slemr, A Weigelt, R Ebinghaus, C Brenninkmeijer, A Baker, T Schuck, A Rauthe-Schoch, H Riede, E Leedham, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven, D Oram, D O Sullivan, , C Dyroff, A. Zahn, H Ziereis | accepted | Atmosphere | 2014 | 5
  23. Model verticale windsnelheid

    In dit afstudeerverslag is een methode onderzocht om een profiel van de verticale windsnelheid la...

    M Hoogendijk | published | afstudeerverslag Fontys | 2014
  24. Simulation of tropospheric chemistry and aerosols with the climate model EC-Earth

    We have integrated the atmospheric chemistry and transport model TM5 into the global climate mode...

    TPC van Noije, P Le Sager, AJ Segers, PFJ van Velthoven, MC Krol, W Hazeleger, AG Williams, CD Chambers | published | Geosci. Model Dev. | 2014 | 7
  25. Ozone ProfilE Retrieval Algorithm (OPERA) for nadir-looking satellite instruments in the UV-VIS

    For the retrieval of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere the Ozone ProfilE Retri...

    JCA van Peet, RJ van der A, ONE Tuinder, E Wolfram, J Salvador, PF Levelt, H Kelder | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2014 | 7