Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Tidal tilt observations in the Netherlands using shallow borehole tiltmeters

    R Sleeman, HW Haak, MS Bos, JJA van Gend | published | Phys. Chem. Earth | 2000 | 25
  2. The impact of NOAA-AVHRR SST data assimilation in the HIRLAM NWP model

    Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models can profit from input of accurate satellite measured se...

    S de Haan | published | EUMETSAT | no
  3. Development of a radar-based Hail-Detection-Product

    At the moment, a tool for the detection and display of severe weather events related to convectiv...

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, JRA Onvlee, SJM Barlag | published | AMS | no
  4. Development of a Hail-Detection-Product

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, JRA Onvlee, SJM Barlag | published | Phys. Chem. Earth | 2000 | 25
  5. Detectie van zomerhagel met radar

    In dit artikel zal de werking van een tweetal op-radar-gebaseerde detectiemethodes en de wijze wa...

    I Holleman | published | Meteorologica | 2000
  6. The Deelen Infrasound Aray: on the detection and identification of infrasound

    The Deelen Infrasound Aray: on the detection and identification of infrasound

    LG Evers, HW Haak | 0-0-2000 | pp27
  7. Seismo-akoestische analyse van de explosies bij S.E. Fireworks Enschede, 13 mei 2000

    Seismo-akoestische analyse van de explosies bij S.E. Fireworks Enschede, 13 mei 2000

    LG Evers, HW Haak | 0-0-2000 | pp13
  8. Applications of continuation methods in physical oceanography

    In this paper, continuation methods are used to study fundamental problems in physical oceanograp...

    CA Katsman, HA Dijkstra, MJ Schmeits | published | Notes on Numerical Fluid mecha | Vieweg | no
  9. MARE and ACSEX; new research programmes on the Agulhas Current System

    JRE Lutjeharms, WPM de Ruijter, H Ridderinkhof, H van Aken, C Veth, PJ van Leeuwen, SS Drijfhout, JHF Jansen, GJA Brummer | published | South African Journal of Science | 2000 | 96
  10. A short-range early medium-range ensemble prediction system for the European area

    H Hersbach, R Mureau, JD Opsteegh, J Barkmeijer | published | Mon. Wea. Rev. | 2000 | 128
  11. On the mechanism of the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave

    RJ Haarsma, FM Selten, JD Opsteegh | published | J. Climate | 2000 | 13
  12. Eddy subduction in a model of the subtropical gyre

    W Hazeleger, SS Drijfhout | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 2000 | 30
  13. A model study on internally generated variability in subtropical mode water formation

    W Hazeleger, SS Drijfhout | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  14. Storm boven een plas water.

    W Hazeleger | published | Meteorologica | 2000
  15. Mode Water: een geheugen voor het klimaat?

    W Hazeleger | published | Meteorologica | 2000
  16. SODA Workshop on Chemical Data Assimilation Proceedings 9-10 December 1998

    The workshop reviewed several aspects of chemical data assimilation, and the program was divided ...

    Henk Eskes, Hennie Keler, Ad Stoffelen, Fons Baede | --1999 | pp123
  17. NPK-TIG oefendag 16 december 1998

    NPK-TIG oefendag 16 december 1998

    G.T. Geertsema, H. van Dorp en F.C.Kroonenberg | --1999 | pp24
  18. Water vapor measurements from the troposphere to the lowermost stratosphere: some signatures of troposphere to stratosphere exchanges

    J Ovarlez, PFJ van Velthoven, H Schlager | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  19. Regional nitric oxide enhancements in the North Atlantic flight corridor observed and modeled during POLINAT 2 - a case study

    H Schlager, P Schulte, F Flatory, F Slemr, PFJ van Velthoven, H Ziereis, U Schumann | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1999 | 26
  20. Analysis of gravity waves during the POLINAT experiment - and some consequences for stratosphere-troposphere exchange

    M Moustaoui, H Teitelbaum, PFJ van Velthoven, H Kelder | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 1999 | 56
  21. On the mechanism of decadal oscillations in a coarse resolution ocean model

    The physical mechanism that causes an interdecadal oscillation in a coarse resolution sector ocea...

    G Lenderink, RJ Haarsma | published | Atmosphere-Ocean | 1999 | 37
  22. 2Tropospheric Wind and Humidity Derived from Space-borne Radar Intensity and Phase Observations

    A Stoffelen, R Hanssen, I Weinrich, S Lehner | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1999 | 27
  23. Tropospheric Wind and Humidity Derived from Space-borne Radar Intensity and Phase Observations

    R Hanssen, I Weinrich, S Lehner, A Stoffelen | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1999 | 27
  24. Estimation of Surface Radiation and Energy Flux Densities from Single-Level Weather Data

    A scheme is proposed that relates surface flux densities of sensible heat, latent heat, and momen...

    wc de Rooy, AAM Holtslag | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 1999 | 38
  25. Validation of cloud parameter retrieval methods with objective ground based measurements

    A Feijt, H ten Brink, S Jongen, A van Lammeren, H Russchenberg | published | Phys. Chem. Earth | 1999 | 24