Our physical and physiological theory provides causal explanations of various phenomena in forest...
Large-eddy simulations of a Lagrangian transition from a vertically well-mixed stratocumulus-topp...
We report on the AeroCom Phase II direct aerosol effect (DAE) experiment where 16 detailed global...
We have analysed time-slice simulations from 17 global models, participating in the Atmospheric C...
This study analyzes the inter-annual variability (IAV) of simulations of 21 different land surfac...
The cloud Optical Centroid Pressure (OCP) is a satellite-derived parameter that is commonly used ...
In het kader van het Nationaal Modellen- en Datacentrum (NMDC) is in 2011 het NMDC innovatieproje...
The long-term evolution of stratospheric ozone at different stations in the low and mid-latitudes...
Within the EARLINET-ASOS (European Aerosol Re- search Lidar Network - Advanced Sustainable Observ...
Kansverdelingen van extreme neerslag zijn doorgaans afgeleid van puntmetingen van regenmeternetwe...