Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System

    V Swail, GJ Komen, V Ryabinin, M Holt, PK Taylor, J Bidlot | published | Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century | 2001 | Bureau of Meteorology | no
  2. The impact of solar forcing on the variability in a coupled climate model

    RJ Haarsma, SS Drijfhout, JD Opsteegh, FM Selten | published | Space Science Series of ISSI, 94 | 2001 | Kluwer | no
  3. Looking for the role of the ocean in tropical Atlantic decadal climate variability

    R Seager, Y Kushnir, N Naik, J Miller, P Chang, W Hazeleger | published | J. Climate | 2001 | 14
  4. Cloud Optical Thickness and Cloud Liquid Water Path Retrieval From Multi-Spectral NOAA-AVHRR Data

    RA Roebeling, D Jolivet, A Feijt | published | EUMETSAT | no
  5. Indications for a wave dependent Charnock parameter from measurements during ASGAMAGE

    WA Oost, GJ Komen, CMJ Jacobs, C van Oort, H Bonekamp | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2001 | 28
  6. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System

    V Swail, GJ Komen, V Ryabinin, M Holt, PK Taylor, J Bidlot | published | Observing the oceans in the 21st Century | 2001 | Bureau of Meteorology | no
  7. Status and future direction of operational radar application at KNMI

    KNMI operates two C-band Doppler radars (Gematronik Meteor 360 AC). Currently, the reflectivity d...

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, RM van Westrhenen, JH Beekhuis | published | AMS | no
  8. An assessment of the ECMWF reanalysis (ERA) air/sea fluxes using Wave and Ocean General Circulation Models

    H Bonekamp, A Sterl, GJ Komen, G Burgers, GJ van Oldenborgh, PAEM Janssen | published | 2001
  9. Geophysical investigations along the Peel boundary fault (The Netherlands) for a paleoseismological survey

    D Demanet, LG Evers, H Teerlynck, B Dost, D Jongmans | published | Neth. J. Geoscience / Geologie en Mijnbouw | 2001 | 80
  10. Tropical singular vectors computed with linearized diabatic physics

    J Barkmeijer, R Buizza, TN Palmer, K Puri, JF Mahfouf | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | 2001 | 127
  11. Rapid transitions and ultra-low frequency behaviour in a 40 kyr integration with a coupled climate model of intermediate complexity

    RJ Haarsma, JD Opsteegh, FM Selten, X Wang | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2001 | 17
  12. Decadal variability in high northern latitudes as simulated by an intermediate complexity climate model

    H Goosse, FM Selten, RJ Haarsma, JD Opsteegh | published | Annals of Glaciology | 2001 | 33
  13. Handboek Waarnemingen

    Door het KNMI worden meteorologische waarnemingen verricht. Deze zijn noodzakelijk om iets te wet...

    Versie juli 2000 | --2000 | pp543
  14. A model of wind transformation over water-land surfaces

    A simple physical model of the wind transformation on abrupt changes in surface roughness and tem...

    VN Kudryavtsev, VK Makin, AMG Klein Tank, JW Verkaik | 23-3-2000 | pp30
  15. The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission

    A Stoffelen, P Ingmann, J Fuchs, J Pailleux | published | Earth Observation Quarterly | 2000 | 66
  16. Aerosol Optical Depth over Europe in August 1997 devised from ATSR-2 Data

    C Robles-Gonzalez, JP Veefkind, G de Leeuw | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2000 | 27
  17. Pollution from aircraft emissions in the North Atlantic flight corridor

    The Pollution From Aircraft Emissions in the North Atlantic Flight Corridor (POLINAT) projects we...

    U Schumann, H Schlager, F Arnold, J Ovarlez, H Kelder, O Hov, G Haymann, ISA Isaksen, J Staehelin, PD Whitefield | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  18. Science Objectives of EOS-Aura\'s Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)

    PF Levelt, GHJ van den Oord, E Hilsenrath, GW Leppelmeier, PK Bhartia, A Mälkki, H Kelder, RJ van der A, EJ Brinksma, RF van Oss, JP Veefkind, M van Weele, R Noordhoek | 2000 | 2000
  19. GOME Fast delivery and value-Added Products (GOFAP)

    RJ van der A, AJM Piters, PJM Valks, JHGM van Geffen, C Zehner | 2000 | 2000
  20. Assimilation of satellite observations of lang-lived chemical species in global chemistry transport models

    BV Khattatov, JF Lamarque, LV Lyjak, R Menard, PF Levelt, Z Tie, GP Brasseur, JC Gille | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  21. A meteorological overview of the Subsonic Assessment Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide Experiment (SONEX) period

    HE Fuelberg, JR Hannan, PFJ van Velthoven, EV Browell, G Bierberbach jr., RD Knabb, GL Gregory, KE Pickering, HB Selkirk | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  22. Influence of stratosphere-troposphere exchange on tropospheric ozone over the tropical Indian Ocean during the winter monsoon

    M Zachariasse, PFJ van Velthoven, HGJ Smit, J Lelieveld, TK Mandall, H Kelder | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  23. From model intercomparison towards benchmark UV spectra for six real atmospheric cases

    M van Weele, TJ Martin, M Blumthaler, C Brogniez, PN den Outer, O Engelsen, J Lenoble, B Mayer, G Pfister, A Ruggaber, B Walravens, P Weihs, BG Gardiner, D Gillotay, D Haferl | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  24. GODIVA, a European project for ozone and trace gas measurements from GOME, 32nd, COPSAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan 12-19 july 1998

    A Goede, CP Tanzi, I Aben, JP Burrows, M Weber, D Perner, P Monks, D Llewellyn-Jones, GK Korlett, DW Arlander, U Platt, T Wagner, K Pfeilsticker, P Taalas, H Kelder and A. Piters | published | Adv.Space Res. | 2000 | 26
  25. The 2nd aerosol characterization experiment (ACE-2)L: Meteorological and chemical context, Tellus

    GHL Verver, F Raes, D Vogelezang, D Johnson | published | Tellus | 2000 | 52B