Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Satellite and site measurements of ozone and UV at De Bilt (52N) and Paramaribo (6N), II Relating ozone profiles with surface UV radiation

    M van Weele, RJ van der A, MAF Allaart, JPF Fortuin | 2001 | 2001
  2. SCIAMACHY: Een Nederlands-Duits-Belgische bijdrage aan ozon- en klimaatonderzoek

    H Kelder, M van Weele, H Eskes, A Piters | published | 2001 | BCRS | 2001
  3. Monitoring Emissions of Greenhouse Gases using SCIAMACHY (MEGGY) Status Report Milestone 2

    M Roemer, P Zandveld, PFJ van Velthoven, M van Weele, G Velders | 2001 | BCRS | 2001
  4. GOME ozone data assimilation and validation of SCIAMACHY ozone observations.

    H Eskes, PFJ van Velthoven, P Valks, MAF Allaart, AJM Piters | 2001 | 2001 | Estec
  5. 2Parameterized scattering matrices for small particles in planetary atmospheres

    CJ Braak, JF de Haan, CVM van der Mee, JW Hovenier, LD Travis | published | J. Quant. Spectros. Rad. Transf. | 2001 | 69
  6. Experimental determination of scattering matrices of randomly oriented fly ash and clay particles at 442 and 633 nm

    O Muñoz, H Volten, JF de Haan, W Vassen, JW Hovenier | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  7. Scattering matrices of mineral aerosol particles at 441.6 nm and 631.8 nm

    H Volten, O Muñoz, E Rol, JF de Haan, W Vassen | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  8. Vertical distributions of sulfur species simulated by large scale atmospheric models in COSAM: comparison with observations.

    A comparison of largescale models simulating atmospheric sulfate aerosols (COSAM) was conducted t...

    U Lohmann, WR Leatch, L Barrie, K Law, Y Yi, D Bergmann, C Bridgeman, M Chin, J Christensen, R Easter, J Feichter, A Jeuken, E Kjellstrom, D Koch, C Land, ........................ | published | Tellus | 2001 | 53
  9. Analysis of regional budgets of sulfur species modeled for the COSAM exercise

    The COSAM intercomparison exercise (comparison of largescale sulfur models) was organized to comp...

    GJ Roelofs, P Kasibhatla, L Barrie, D Bergmann, C Bridgeman, M Chin, J Christensen, R Easter, J Feichter, A Jeuken, E Kjollstrom, D Koch, C Land, U Lohmann, P Rasch | published | Tellus | 2001 | 53
  10. Simulation of the aerosol optical depth over Europe for August 1997 and a comparison with observations

    A Jeuken, JP Veefkind, F Dentener, S Metzger, C Robles Gonzales | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  11. Antarctic ozone observations from \'Base Roi Baudouin\': 1965-1967

    C Muller, H Kelder | published | The Belgica Expedition Centennial | 2001
  12. Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions: Match observations in 1997/1998 and 1998/1999

    A Schulz, M Rex, NRP Harris, GO Braathen, E Remier, R Alfier, I Kilbane-Dawe, S Eckermann, MAF Allaart, M Alpers, B Bojkov, J Cisneros, H Claude, E Cuevas, J Davies, and others | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  13. An intercomparison of results from three trajectory models

    Three three-dimensional trajectory models(LAGRANTO, TRAJKS and FLEXTRA), all driven with analysis...

    A Stohl, L Haimberger, MP Scheele, H Wernli | published | Meteorol. Appl. | 2001 | 8
  14. One-year observations of particle lidar ratio over the tropical Indian Ocean with Raman lidar

    K Franke, A Ansmann, A Ansmann, D Muller, D Althausen, F Wagner, MP Scheele | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2001 | 28
  15. Overview of the meteorological conditions and atmospheric transport processes during INDOEX 1999

    GHL Verver, DR Sikka, JM Lobert, G Stossmeier, M Zachariasse | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  16. Vertical and horizontal distributions of the aerosol number concentration and size distribution over the nortern Indian Ocean

    M de Reus, J Williams, H Fisher, MP Scheele, J Ström | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001
  17. Overview of the trace gas measurement on board the citation aircraft during the intensive field phase of INDOEX

    JA de Gouw, C Warneke, HA Scheeren, C van der Veen, M Bolder, MP Scheele, J Williams, S Wong, L Lange, H Fischer, J Lelieveld | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  18. Modelling the impact of subsonic aviation on the composition of the atmosphere

    Subsonic aircraft increase the ozone concentration in the tropopause region at northern midlatitu...

    EW Meijer | published | Ph. D. Thesis, TU Eindhoven | 2001
  19. Seasonality of multidecadal and centennial variability in European temperatures: the wavelet approach

    Temperature variability on multidecadal and longer timescales is studied by application of Wavele...

    NM Datsenko, MV Shabalova, DM Sonechkin | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  20. Simulations of trade-wind cumuli under a strong inversion

    B Stevens, AS Ackerman, BA Albrecht, AR Brown, A Chlond, J Cuxart, PG Duynkerke, DC Lewellen, MK Macvean, RAJ Neggers, E Sanchez, AP Siebesma, DE Stevens | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2001 | 58
  21. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System

    V Swail, GJ Komen, V Ryabinin, M Holt, PK Taylor, J Bidlot | published | Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century | 2001 | Bureau of Meteorology | no
  22. Looking for the role of the ocean in tropical Atlantic decadal climate variability

    R Seager, Y Kushnir, N Naik, J Miller, P Chang, W Hazeleger | published | J. Climate | 2001 | 14
  23. Comparison of model predicted cloud parameters and surface radiative fluxes with observations on the 100 km scale

    E van Meijgaard, U Andrae, B Rockel | published | Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. | 2001 | 77
  24. A Langrangian computation of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in a Tropopause Folding Event in the subtropical Southern Hemisphere

    J Meloen, P Siegmund, M Sigmond | published | Tellus | 2001 | 53A
  25. Wind waves in the Global Ocean Observing System

    V Swail, GJ Komen, V Ryabinin, M Holt, PK Taylor, J Bidlot | published | Observing the oceans in the 21st Century | 2001 | Bureau of Meteorology | no