Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. The Deelen Infrasound Array for recording sonic booms and events of CTBT interest

    HW Haak, LG Evers, ME Petit | published | no
  2. Tropical singular vectors computed with linearized diabatic physics

    J Barkmeijer, R Buizza, TN Palmer, K Puri, JF Mahfouf | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | 2001 | 127
  3. Tracing the water masses of the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean

    K Doos, P Killworth, S Speich, SS Drijfhout, R Santoleri, V Artale, AC Coward, R Marsh, MM Lee, B Blanke, P de Vries, D Iudicone, V Rupolo, M Valdivieso, S Marullo | 2001 | 2001
  4. Feedback land surface with atmosphere at global scales

    RJ Haarsma, RJ Ronda, M Schaeffer | published | NOP Report No. 410 200 107 Land Use, Climate etc. | 2001 | NOP | no
  5. Impact of the Midlatitude Storm Track on the Upper Pacific Ocean

    W Hazeleger, R Seager, M Visbeck, N Naik, K Rodgers | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 2001 | 31
  6. Decadal upper ocean temperature variability in the tropical Pacific

    W Hazeleger, M Visbeck, MA Cane, A Karspeck, N Naik | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2001 | 106
  7. Evaluation of humidity and temperature measurements of Vaisala"s HMP243 plus PT100 with two reference psychrometers

    Evaluation of humidity and temperature measurements of Vaisala"s HMP243 plus PT100 with two refer...

    E.M.J. Meijer | --2000 | pp50
  8. Heeft de verdamping van zeespray invloed op het weer?

    Als het stormt boven zee, komen grote hoeveelheden waterdruppels (spray) in de lucht terecht. Doo...

    JF Meirink | published | Meteorologica | 2000 | 9
  9. A model of wind transformation over water-land surfaces

    A simple physical model of the wind transformation on abrupt changes in surface roughness and tem...

    VN Kudryavtsev, VK Makin, AMG Klein Tank, JW Verkaik | 23-3-2000 | pp30
  10. On the air-sea coupling in the WAM wave model

    Wind generates waves on the surface of the ocean. Modifications of the sea state influence the wi...

    DF Doortmont, VK Makin | 0-4-2000 | pp55
  11. Modelling low Reynolds number effects in the turbulent air flow over water waves

    JF Meirink, VK Makin | published | J. Fluid Mech. | 2000 | 415
  12. Towards the use of Quikscat Winds in numerical Weather prediction

    A Stoffelen, M Portabella, A Voorrips | 2000 | 2000 | EUMETSAT
  13. Impact Assessment of a Doppler Wind Lidar in Space on Atmospheric Analyses and Numerical Weather Prediction

    Impact Assessment of a Doppler Wind Lidar in Space on Atmospheric Analyses and Numerical Weather ...

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, F Bouttier, C Cardinali, S de Haan, D Vasiljevic | KNMI report in respons to ESA study | 0-0-2000 | pp56
  14. Science Objectives of EOS-Aura\'s Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)

    PF Levelt, GHJ van den Oord, E Hilsenrath, GW Leppelmeier, PK Bhartia, A Mälkki, H Kelder, RJ van der A, EJ Brinksma, RF van Oss, JP Veefkind, M van Weele, R Noordhoek | 2000 | 2000
  15. Assimilation of satellite observations of lang-lived chemical species in global chemistry transport models

    BV Khattatov, JF Lamarque, LV Lyjak, R Menard, PF Levelt, Z Tie, GP Brasseur, JC Gille | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  16. Influence of stratosphere-troposphere exchange on tropospheric ozone over the tropical Indian Ocean during the winter monsoon

    M Zachariasse, PFJ van Velthoven, HGJ Smit, J Lelieveld, TK Mandall, H Kelder | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  17. From model intercomparison towards benchmark UV spectra for six real atmospheric cases

    M van Weele, TJ Martin, M Blumthaler, C Brogniez, PN den Outer, O Engelsen, J Lenoble, B Mayer, G Pfister, A Ruggaber, B Walravens, P Weihs, BG Gardiner, D Gillotay, D Haferl | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  18. GODIVA, a European project for ozone and trace gas measurements from GOME, 32nd, COPSAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan 12-19 july 1998

    A Goede, CP Tanzi, I Aben, JP Burrows, M Weber, D Perner, P Monks, D Llewellyn-Jones, GK Korlett, DW Arlander, U Platt, T Wagner, K Pfeilsticker, P Taalas, H Kelder and A. Piters | published | Adv.Space Res. | 2000 | 26
  19. Identification of extratropical two-way troposphere-stratosphere mixing ased on CARIBIC measurements of O3, CO and ultrafine particles

    A Zahn, CAM Brenninkmeijer, M Maiss, DH Scharffe, PJ Crutzen, M Hermann, J Heintzenberg, A Wiedersholer, H Güsten, G Heinrich, H Fisher, JWM Cuijpers, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  20. Model calculations of the impact of NOx from air traffic, lightning and surface emissions, compared with measurements

    EW Meijer, PFJ van Velthoven, AM Thompson, L Pfister, H Schlager, P Schulte, H Kelder | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105
  21. Results and status of the aircraft research project Caribic

    CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, PJ Crutzen, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, H Fisher, G Heinrich, PFJ van Velthoven, H Cuijpers, R Borchers, D Oram | 2000 | 2000
  22. Cross PV-surface air mass fluxes in a subtropical tropopause folding event Stratospheric Ozone 1999

    J Meloen | 2000 | 0
  23. Analyses of hte ozone minihole over Europe of 30 November 1999.

    P Valks, PFJ van Velthoven, MAF Allaart, H Eskes, H Kelder | 2000 | 2000
  24. Development of new lightning parameterisations using data from the European Lightning Nitrogen Oxides project

    E Meijer, PFJ van Velthoven | 2000 | 2000
  25. Ozone Monitoring with the OMI Instrument

    E Laan, J de Vries, H Visser, PF Levelt, GHJ van den Oord, A Mälkki, G Leppelmeier, E Hilsenrath | 2000 | 2000