A coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM is being developed for use in seasonal forecasting. As part of the...
We have analyzed the tropical disturbances in a 11-layer atmospheric general circulation model (G...
A numerical model of the boundary layer of the atmosphere above a gravity surface wave is rev...
The effect of a wave-dependent drag coefficient on the generation of storm surge in the North...
Het nachtelijk windmaximum : interactieve verwachtingsmethode
On the construction of a regional atmospheric climate model
Bepaling van een directe en diffuse straling en van zonneschijnduur uit 10-minuutwaarden van de ...
LAM and NEDWAM statistics over the period October 1990-April 1991
A parametrization of the convective atmospheric boundary layer and its application into a global ...
The effect of wave data assimilation of the numerical simulation of wave energy advection
Verificatie kwantitatieve neerslagverwachting korte termijn (proefperiode) voor 5 regio's
Quantitative processing of Meteosat-data: implementation at KNMI: applications
Description of the CRAU-data-set: Meteosat data, radiosonde data, sea surface temperatures : comp...
Operational WAMS statistics over the period December 1986 - March 1987
Verfificatie van GONO golfverwachting over de periode oktober 1987 - april 1988
Spectra en gradienten van hoge windsnelheden te Cabauw tot 200 meter
Wave heights predicted by the operational KNMI wave model ( GONO) and the wind fields derived fr...
Crau 1987: the KNMI contribution
Since 1972 meteorological observations of high vertical resolution are carried out on the 213 m t...
Evaluatie van de golfberekeningen met GONO over de periode oktober 1985-april 1986
MesoGers 1984, the dataset of station C8