Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Sahel rainfall variability and response to greenhouse warming

    The NCEP/NCAR re-analyses data as well as ensemble integrations with an atmospheric GCM indicate ...

    RJ Haarsma, FM Selten, SL Weber, M Kliphuis | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  2. The Atlantic freshwater budget as a diagnostic for the existence of a stable shut-down of the meridional overturning circulation

    Which physical processes effectively determine the stability regime of the Atlantic meridional ov...

    SL Weber, P de Vries | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  3. A multi-model analysis of the role of the ocean on the African and Asian monsoon during the mid-Holocene

    We investigate the role of the ocean feedback on the climate response to insolation forcing durin...

    Y Zhao, P Braconnot, O Marti, SP Harrison, C Hewitt, A Kitoh, Z Liu, U Mikolajewicz, B Otto-Bliesner, SL Weber | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2005 | 25
  4. Evaluation of PMIP coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations of the mid-holocene

    P Braconnot, S Harrison, S Joussanne, CD Hewitt, A Kitoh, J Kutzbach, Z Liu, B Otto-Bliesner, J Syktus, SL Weber | published | Past climate variability through Europe and Africa | 2004
  5. Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling

    H Renssen, P Braconnot, SFB Tett, H Von Storch, SL Weber | published | Past climate variability through Europe and Africa | 2004
  6. Daisyworld homeostasis and the earth system

    This chapter examines the Daisymodel's steady state solution with emphasis on the mechanisms that...

    SL Weber, JM Robinson | published | Scientists Debate Gaia:The Next Century | 2004 | MIT Press | no
  7. Solar irradiance forcing of centennial climate variability during the Holocene

    SL Weber, TJ Crowley, G van Schrier | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2004 | 22
  8. The response of the African summer monsoon to remote and local forcing due to precession and obliquity

    In this paper we examine the orbital signal in Earth's climate with a coupled model of intermedia...

    E Tuenter, SL Weber, FJ Hilgen, LJ Lourens | published | Global and Planetary Change | 2003 | 36
  9. Holocene glacier variability: three case studies using an intermediate-complexity climate model

    Synthetic glacier length records are generated for the Holocene epoch using a process-based glaci...

    SL Weber, J Oerlemans | published | The Holocene | 2003 | 13
  10. Sea-level variability in the northwest Atlantic during the past 1500 years: A delayed response to solar forcing?

    O van Plassche, G van Schrier, SL Weber, WR Gehrels, AJ Wright | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2003 | 30
  11. Earth system models of intermediate complexity: closing the gap in the spectrum of climate system models

    We propose a new perspective on the hierarchy of climate models which goes beyond the "classical"...

    M Clausen, LA Mysak, AJ Weaver, M Crucifix, T Fichefet, MF Loutre, SL Weber, J Alcamo, VA Alexeev, A Berger, R Calov, A Ganapolski, H Goosse, G Lohmann, et al. | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2002 | 18
  12. Sea level changes in the North Atlantic by solar forcing and internal variability

    G van der Schrier, SL Weber, SS Drijfhout | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2002 | 19
  13. GODIVAERS-GOME Data Interpretation, Validation and Application

    APH Goede, CP Tanzi, M van den Broek, F Wittrock, JP Burrows, K Bramstedt, M Weber, KU Eichmann, A Richter, D Perner, PS Monks, H Kelder, G El Serafy | 2000 | 0 | ESA, ESA Publication, SP-461,2 | ESA
  14. On homeostasis in Daisyworld

    The steady state solution of the Daisyworld model of Watson and Lovelock (1983) is examined in de...

    SL Weber | published | Climatic Change | 2001 | 48
  15. The impact of orbital forcing on the climate of an intermediate-complexity coupled model

    In a transient simulation of the Holocene climate with ECBilt orbital forcing induces a quasi-lin...

    SL Weber | published | Global and Planetary Change | 2001 | 30
  16. GODIVA, a European project for ozone and trace gas measurements from GOME, 32nd, COPSAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan 12-19 july 1998

    A Goede, CP Tanzi, I Aben, JP Burrows, M Weber, D Perner, P Monks, D Llewellyn-Jones, GK Korlett, DW Arlander, U Platt, T Wagner, K Pfeilsticker, P Taalas, H Kelder and A. Piters | published | Adv.Space Res. | 2000 | 26
  17. Patterns of temperature variability on multidecadal to centennial timescales

    The spatio-temporal structure of low-frequency temperature variability, as reflected in a paleo n...

    MV Shabalova, SL Weber | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  18. Seasonality of low-frequency variability in early-instrumental European temperatures.

    The seasonality of low-frequency temperature variability is studied by application of multichanne...

    MV Shabalova, SL Weber | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1998 | 25