Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Ultra-high resolution pollen record from the northern Andes reveals rapid shifts in montane climates within the last two glacial cycles

    MHM Groot, RG Bogotá, LJ Lourens, H Hooghiemstra, M. Vriend, JC Berrio, E. Tuenter, J van der Plicht, B. van Geel, M Ziegler, SL Weber, A Betancourt, L. Contreras, S Gaviria, C. Giraldo, N Gonzáles, J.H.F. Jansen, M Konert, D. Ortega, O. Rangel, G Sarmiento, J. Vandenberghe, T van der Hammen, M. van der Linden, W Westerhoff | published | Climate of the Past | 2011
  2. Six-day PM10 air quality forecasts for The Netherlands with the chemistry transport model Lotos-Euros

    In this work we study the ability of the chemistry transport model Lotos-Euros to forecast, with ...

    MS de Ruyter de Wildt, H Eskes, A Manders, F Sauter, M Schaap, D Swart, PFJ van Velthoven | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2011 | 45
  3. Radiative forcing due to changes in ozone and methane caused by the transport sector

    G Myhre, KP Shine, G Radel, M Gauss, ISA Isaksen, Q Tang, M Prather, JE Williams, PFJ van Velthoven, O Dessens, B Koffi, S Szopa, P Hoor, V Grewe, et al. | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2011 | 2
  4. The sensitivity of the PDSI to the Thornthwaite and Penman-Monteith parameterizations for potential evapotranspiration

    G van der Schrier, KR Briffa, PD Jones | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2011 | 116
  5. The great storm of 1-2 October 1697 revisited

    Some 12 years ago, John Kington commemorated the great storm of 1-2 October 1697 in Weather. The ...

    G van der Schrier, R Groenland | published | Weather | 2011 | 66
  6. Greenhouse gas induced changes in the fire risk in Brazil in ECHAM5/MPI-OM coupled climate model

    F Justino, AS de Mélo, A Setzer, R Sismanoglu, C Sediyama, GA Ribeiro, JP Machado, A Sterl | published | Climatic Change | 2011 | 106
  7. A global view on the wind sea and swell climate and variability from ERA-40

    A Semedo, K Sušelj, A Rutgersson, A Sterl | published | J. Climate | 2011 | 24
  8. A multi-model ensemble method that combines imperfect models through learning

    LA van den Berge, FM Selten, W Wiegerinck, GS Duane | published | Earth System Dynamics | 2011 | 2
  9. The Second Phase of the Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment: Soil Moisture Contributions to Subseasonal Forecast Skill

    The second phase of the Global Land-Atmosphere Coupling Experiment (GLACE-2) is a multi-instituti...

    R Koster, 21 co-authors including, B van den Hurk | accepted | J. Hydrometeor. | 2011
  10. The European aerosol budget in 2006

    This paper presents the aerosol budget over Europe in 2006 calculated with the global transport m...

    JMJ Aan de Brugh, M Schaap, E Vignati, F Dentener, M Kahnert, M Sofief, V Huijnen, MC Krol | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2011
  11. Evaluation of rainfall retrievals from SEVIRI reflectances over West Africa using TRMM-PR and CMORPH

    ELA Wolters, BJJM van den Hurk, RA Roebeling | published | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2011 | 15
  12. Potential climatic transitions with profound impact on Europe. Review of the current state of six ‘tipping elements of the climate system’

    A Levermann, SS Drijfhout, SL Weber, et al. | published | Climatic Change | 2011
  13. Using MSG-SEVIRI cloud physical properties and weather radar observations for the detection of Cb/TCu clouds

    C Carbajal Henken, MJ Schmeits, H Deneke, RA Roebeling | published | Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | 2011 | 50
  14. Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the atmospheric boundary layer over land as represented by a variety of single column models - the second GABLS experiment

    This paper presents the main results from the second model inter-comparison within GEWEX Atmosphe...

    G Svensson, AMM Holtslag, V Kumar, T Mauritsen, GJ Steeneveld, WM Angevine, E Bazile, A Beljaars, EIF de Bruijn, A Cheng, L Conangla, J Cuxart, M Ek, MJ Falk, F Freedman | accepted | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2011
  15. The definition of an atmospheric database for Aeolus

    GJ Marseille, K Houchi, J de Kloe, A Stoffelen | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2011 | 4
  16. Forecasts and assimilation experiments of the Antarctic Ozone Hole 2008

    J Flemming, A Inness, L Jones, HJ Eskes, V Huijnen, MG Schultz, O Stein, D Cariolle, D Kinnison, G Brasseur | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2011 | 11
  17. Meteorological support for anticipatory water management

    CJ Kok, BGJ Wichers Schreur, DHP Vogelezang | published | Atmospheric Research | 2011 | 100
  18. New Bayesian algorithm for sea ice detection with QuikSCAT

    M Belmonte Rivas, A Stoffelen | published | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2011 | 49
  19. Data quality and validation of satellite measurements of tropospheric composition

    AJM Piters, B Buchmann, D Brunner, RC Cohen, JC Lambert, G de Leeuw, P Stammes, M van Weele, F Wittrock | The Remote Sensing of Trop. Composition from Space | 2011 | Springer-Verlag Berlin
  20. Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta - the Netherlands as an example

    CA Katsman, A Sterl, JJ Beersma, HW van den Brink, W Hazeleger, and 15 co-authors | published | Climatic Change | 2011
  21. Bird migration flight altitudes studied by a network of operational weather radars

    A fully automated method for the detection and quantification of bird migration was developed for...

    AM Dokter, F Liechti, H Stark, L Delobbe, P Tabary, I Holleman | published | Journal of the Royal Society Interface | 2011 | 8
  22. Standard years for large-scale hydrological scenario calculations

    AMR Bakker, BJJM van den Hurk, JJE Bessembinder, T Kroon | published | Env. Mod. and Softw. | 2011 | 26
  23. Global changes in indices describing moderate temperature extremes from daily climate model data

    S Russo, A Sterl | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2011 | 116
  24. A maximum entropy approach to the problem of parametrization

    WTM Verkley | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2011 | 137
  25. Seasonal evaluation of the ECMWF land surface scheme against Remote Sensing energy fluxes of the Transdanubian region in Hungary

    L Wipfler, K Metselaar, J van Dam, R Feddes, E van Meijgaard, B van Ulft, B van den Hurk, S Swart, W Bastiaanssen | published | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2011 | 15