Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Stability of the Atlantic meridional Overturning Circulation in the Last Glacial maximum climate

    SL Weber, SS Drijfhout | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2007 | 34
  2. Analysis of the SMOS ocean salinity inversion algorithm

    As part of the preparation for the European Space Agency SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) ...

    C Gabarró, M Portabella, M Talone, J Font | 2007 | 2007 | IEEE
  3. ASCAT scatterometer ocean calibration

    The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is respons...

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen, J Verspeek, A Verhoef, J Vogelzang | 2007 | 2007 | IEEE
  4. Towards a high-resolution ASCAT scatterometer wind product

    In scatterometry, the wind vector retrieval problem is ambiguous, i.e., the inversion procedure d...

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen, J Vogelzang, A Verhoef, J Verspeek | 2007 | 0 | IEEE
  5. Mesoscale winds over the oceans

    With the succesfull launch of MetOp-A carrying the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) in October 2006...

    J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen, M Portabella, A Verhoef, J Verspeek | 2007 | 2007 | EUMETSAT
  6. EUMETSAT SAF and EARS scatterometer wind services at KNMI

    Scatterometer sea-surface wind observations are being successfully assimilated into Numerical Wea...

    A Verhoef, A Stoffelen, M Portabella, J Verspeek, J Vogelzang | 2007 | 2007 | EUMETSAT
  7. ASCAT scatterometer cal/val and winds

    The first MetOp-A L2 product was released on 28 March 2007 by the Ocean & Sea Ice Satellite A...

    J Verspeek, A Stoffelen, M Portabella, A Verhoef, J Vogelzang | 2007 | 2007 | EUMETSAT
  8. Towards a high-resolution gridded ocean forcing

    Scatterometers estimate the relative atmosphere-ocean motion at spatially high resolution and pro...

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen, A Verhoef, J Verspeek, J Vogelzang | 2007 | 2007 | EUMETSAT
  9. 2Development of a global scatterometer validation and monitoring

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen | 2007 | EUMETSAT | 2007
  10. Automated discrimination of precipitation type using the FD12P present weather sensor: evaluation and opportunities

    MJ de Haij | 0-10-2007 | pp73
  11. The CARIBIC aircraft system for detailed, long-term, global-scale measurement of trace gases and aerosol in a changing atmosphere

    CAM Brenninkmeijer, PFJ van Velthoven, et al. | published | IGACtivities Newsletter | 2007

    ELA Wolters, HM Deneke, RA Roebeling, AJ Feijt | 2007 | 2007
  13. ASCAT Wind Product User Manual version 1.3

    Product User Manual of the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) and EUMETSA...

    A Verhoef, A Stoffelen | 2007 | EUMETSAT | 2007
  14. Generator of Rainfall And Discharge Extremes (GRADE) for the Rhine and Meuse basins

    In 1996 Rijkswaterstaat RIZA (Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment) an...

    Marcel de Wit, Adri Buishand | 0-7-2007 | pp76
  15. Rain in Shallow Cumulus over the Ocean; The RICO Campaign

    RM Rauber, B Stevens, HT Ochs III, AP Siebesma | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2007 | 88
  16. A Combined Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux Approach for the Convective Boundary Layer

    AP Siebesma, PMM Soares, J Teixeira | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2007 | 64
  17. De Bosatlas van Nederland

    Hoofdstuk 10, sectie klimaat (8pp). Klimaat van Nederland.

    RJCF Sluijter | De Bosatlas van Nederland | 2007 | Wolters Noordhoff
  18. GEOMON WP 5.1: Evaluation of forward models with GEOMON data

    P Siegmund, PFJ van Velthoven | 2007 | 2007
  19. Bescherming ozonlaag: 20 jaar effectief beleid - een welkome waarheid

    P Siegmund, H Slaper, G Velders, H De Backer, RJ van der A, M van Weele, JP Veefkind, MAF Allaart, D Swart, P den Outer | published | Folder | 2007
  20. Wat beweegt de atmosfeer

    P Siegmund | published | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | 2007 | 73
  21. Extreme zomerneerslag 2006 en klimaatscenario's

    Zware buien hebben in augustus 2006 voor lokale wateroverlast gezorgd. Voor het Directoraat Gener...

    Geert Groen | 10-10-2007 | pp21
  22. Variability of annual CO2 Exchange from Dutch Grasslands

    CMJ Jacobs, AFG Jacobs, FC Bosveld, DMD Hendriks, A Hensen, PS Kroon, EJ Moors, L Nol, A Schrier-Uijl, EM Veenendaal | published | Biogeosciences | 2007 | 4
  23. Spaceborne surface UV radiation products as available from TEMIS

    Worldwide forecasts and archives of assimilated total ozone columns and surface UV products based...

    M van Weele, RJ van der A | 2007 | 2007 | PMOD
  24. Maandoverzicht van het weer in Nederland - september 2007

    Het maandoverzicht van het weer in Nederland geeft een overzicht van de dagelijkse metingen en wa...

    RJCF Sluijter | KNMI periodiek jaargang 104, nr 9 | 8-10-2007 | pp0
  25. The role of eddy diffusivity profiles on stratocumulus liquid water path biases

    Results from simulations of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer with one-dimensional versions...

    SR de Roode | published | Mon. Wea. Rev. | 2007 | 135