Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. How Can Tropical Pacific Ocean Heat Transport Vary?

    W Hazeleger, R Seager, MA Cane, N Naik | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 2004 | 34
  2. Intercomparison of different wind wave reanalyses

    S Caires, A Sterl, JR Bidlot, N Graham, V Swail | published | J. Climate | 2004 | 17
  3. Boundary current eddies and their role in the restratification of the Labrador Sea

    An idealized model is used to study the restratification of the Labrador Sea after deep convectio...

    CA Katsman, MA Spall, RS Pickart | published | J. Phys. Oceanogr. | 2004 | 34
  4. On the (in-)homogeneity of reanalysis products

    A Sterl | published | J. Climate | 2004 | 17
  5. Solar irradiance forcing of centennial climate variability during the Holocene

    SL Weber, TJ Crowley, G van Schrier | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2004 | 22
  6. KNMI research programme 2003-2007 - Climate Research, Seismology, Meteorological Research

    This document contains an outline and global objectives of the climate research conducted by the ...

    KNMI | --2003 | pp32
  7. BoWa NL: visie bovenluchtwaarnemingen Nederland

    BoWa NL: visie bovenluchtwaarnemingen Nederland 

    S. Tijm, B. Wichers Schreur en H. Klein Baltink | --2003 | pp51
  8. An investigation of the representative heights for atmospheric motion vectors

    The objective of this study is to find out the reason for the biases which exist in the cloud hei...

    R. Dlhopolsky and A. Feijt | --2003 | pp32
  9. Het berekenen, verifiëren en corrigeren van radarneerslagsommen

    Het KNMI beschikt over twee neerslagradars van het type Gematronic C-band Doppler radar, opgestel...

    R.M. van Westrhenen | --2003 | pp30
  10. Duurtest LD40 en FD12P op Meetpost Noordwijk

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) is planning the installation and/or replace...

    Wiel Wauben | --2003 | pp62
  11. The Contribution of Dutch GLOBE Schools to Validation of Aerosol Measurements from Space

    In the past century, the mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by 0.6˚ according to...

    Joris de Vroom | --2003 | pp47
  12. De toestand van het klimaat in Nederland 2003

    Het wereldklimaat verandert, mede als gevolg van menselijke activiteiten. Klimaatverandering sta...

    Koos Verbeek | --2003 | pp32
  13. Leerzame experimenten met een eenvoudig niet-lineair systeem - dagelijkse variaties in de foutengroei enensemble verwachtingen

    S Kruizinga, K Kok | published | Meteorologica | 2003 | 12
  14. New drag formulation in NEDWAM

    New drag formulation in NEDWAM

    VK Makin, M Stam | 0-1-2003 | pp16
  15. Pathways in the ocean

    SS Drijfhout | published | Biennial Report 2001-2002 | 2003
  16. Wind-over-waves coupling

    VK Makin, VN Kudryavtsev | Wind Over Waves II: Forecasting and Fundamentals o | 2003 | Horwood Publ. Lim.
  17. Optimisation of Rotating, Range-gated Fanbeam Scatterometer for Wind Retrieval, Task 3b report, Results and Conclusions

    This document summarizes the results of the end-to-end performance evaluation of various instrume...

    V Wismann, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, S Bartha | 2003 | 0
  18. User Manual for the RFSCAT Simulator Software Package

    The software package RFSCAT-Simulator was developed within the project "Optimisation of rotating,...

    V Wismann, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, S Bartha | 2003 | 0
  19. Implementation of scatterometer wind processing at KNMI - final report

    Scatterometers provide accurate and spatially consistent near-surface wind information. Hardware...

    Ad Stoffelen, Tilly Driesenaar, Jeroen Beysens | Fineal Project Report, NIVR NUSP-2/02 - 10 | --2003 | pp33
  20. LITE4ADM: On the use of LITE data for the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission - Aeolus

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, A van Lammeren | 0-0-2003 | pp0
  21. Improved atmospheric wind analyses for Weather and Climate

    A Stoffelen | 2003 | 2003 | EGU
  22. Impact in HIRLAM of the KNMI SeaWinds 100-km product

    A Stoffelen, J de Vries, K Mogenson, F Tveter | 2003 | 2003 | EGU
  23. KNMI SeaWinds products

    A Stoffelen | 2003 | 2003
  24. Wind Retrieval Capabilty of a Rotating Range-gated, Fan Beam Scatterometer in Space

    A Stoffelen, C Chi, J de Kloe, V Wissmann, S Bartha, HR Schulte | 2003 | 2003
  25. Simulation of Wind Profiles from a space-borne Doppler Wind Lidar

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2003 | 129