An optical scintillometer was built to measure the refractive index structure parameter (CN2) and...
An Intermittent data assimilation scheme has been used to produce wind and precipitation flelds d...
Since 1972 meteorological observations of high vertical resolution are carried out on the 213 m t...
In realistic air-pollution models a variety of physical and chemical processes have to be taken I...
An improved wind input source term for third generation ocean wave modelling
A large number of tables with temperature-, wind-, wave-, visibility-and current data has been as...
Application of the nonlinear normal mode method to the intializationof a limited area prediction ...
Many meteorological stations observe wind gusts on a routine basis. The measuring procedures, how...
The spreading and mixing of dense gas clouds in still air
Vertical profiles of the structure parameter of temperature CT2 in the stable, nocturnal boundary...
Heat and moisture fluxes and related structure parameters in the unstable atmospheric surface lay...
Sneeuwdekhoogte in Nederland naar metingen van de synoptische stations 1956-1977 (aanvulling)
Bedrijfseconomische analyse Bureau Routering
Terreinclassificatie voor regionale verspreidingsmodellen
A baroclinic two-layer ocean model on an equatorial ß-plane
Ruwe schatting van de grootte van te detecteren trends in de chemische samenstelling van de neers...
RVR-documentatie van de civiele luchthavens in Nederland
Runway Visual Range : aantal en duur van RVR-runs voor RVR-waarden minder dan 225m
Stationsbeschrijving windwaarneming Terschelling periode 1949-1980
The KNMI Lyman-alpha hygrometer
Technical description of the air mass transformation model
De atmosferische grenslaag
Actieve en passieve pluimverspreidingsmodellen in de convectieve grenslaag met large eddy simulat...
Evaluatie van de golfberekeningen met GONO over de periode oktober 1985-april 1986
Methods for the computation of surface deposition velocities of sulphur and nitrogen dioxide and ...