Only recently, a new method to derive weather information from aircraft has been developed and te...
Upper air atmospheric wind and temperature information is crucial for numerical weather predictio...
Op meetlocatie Hansweert is op 5 februari 2013 om 5:24 uur lokale tijd een windsnelheid gemeten v...
The quality of meteorological measurements deserves continuous attention. KNMI therefore follows ...
Deelresultaat: referentie meteo
Entrainment and detrainment processes have been recognised for a long time as key processes for c...
Denial experiments, also denoted observing system experiments (OSEs), are used to determine the i...
In this study the depth of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over the Tibetan Plateau was meas...
In this study, we couple the LOTOS-EUROS model with high resolution meteorological forecasts from...