Samenvatting In het kader van het NMDC innovatieproject Luchtkwaliteit en externe veiligheid is o...
The Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), to be launched in 2015, will feature a new aero...
The Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), to be launched in 2015, will feature a new aero...
Different measures for wind energy potential show very different long-term variations and trends....
Noordwest Europa kampte in 2009 en 2010 met relatief weinig wind. Voor 2010 rapporteerde het CBS ...
In this paper we study instrument degradation affecting the Earth reflectance measurements by the...
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model background error correlations play a decisive role in da...
NWP models simulate the atmospheric state on a given model grid, thereby principally limiting the...