Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Global high resolution versus Limited Area Model climate change projections over Europe: quantifying confidence level from PRUDENCE results

    Four high resolution atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) have been integrated with the ...

    M Deque, RG Jones, M Wild, F Giorgi, JC Christensen, DC Hassell, PL Vidale, B Rockel, D Jacob, E Kjellstrom, M de Castro, F Kucharski, B van den Hurk | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2005 | 25
  2. Estimates of lightning NOx production from GOME satellite observations

    Tropospheric NO2 column retrievals from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) satellite s...

    KF Boersma, HJ Eskes, EW Meijer, HM Kelder | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2005 | 5
  3. Nieuwe statistiek voor extreme neerslag

    JB Wijngaard, M Kok, I Smits, M Talsma | published | H2O | 2005
  4. Aanpassing voorlichtingsbrochure \'neerslagfrequentie\'

    JB Wijngaard, RJCF Sluijter | KNMI Memorandum WM 05-04 | 0-0-2005 | pp0
  5. IMBER (2005): Science Plan and Implementation Strategy

    J Hall, ..., W Hazeleger, ... | published | 2005
  6. Assessing the skill of seasonal forecasts

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Biennial Scientific Report 2003-2004 | 2005 | KNMI | no
  7. Ozone Forecasts of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex–Splitting Event in September 2002

    The Southern Hemisphere major warming event in September 2002 has led to a breakup of the vortex ...

    H Eskes, A Segers, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2005 | 62
  8. CARIBIC Observations of Rapid Mixing Across the Extra-tropical Tropopause: A Case Study

    Using the CARIBIC Boeing 767 aircraft, a suite of trace gases and aerosols was measured between G...

    TS Rhee, CAM Brenninkmeijer, , J Muhle, PFJ van Velthoven, M Hermann, A Zahn, DE Oram, DH Scharffe, C Koeppel, H Fischer, J Lelieveld | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2005 | 110
  9. Klimaatveranderingen en klimaatvoorspellingen

    Met geavanceerde computersimulaties zijn we tegenwoordig redelijk in staat de klimaatontwikkeling...

    GJ Komen, R van Dorland | published | Geografie | 2005 | 14
  10. TACE: Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment

    W Hazeleger, WE Johns | published | Clivar Exchanges | 2005 | 10
  11. Kelvin wave signatures in ECMWF meteo fields and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone columns

    This study investigates the vertical structure of the Kelvin wave signals previously found in tot...

    RMA Timmermans, RF van Oss, HM Kelder | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2005
  12. Exploitation of Ground-based GPS for Operational Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Applications

    G Elgered, HP Plag, H Van der Marel, SJM Barlag, J Nash | published | 2005
  13. Assessing methane emissions from global space-borne observations

    In the past two centuries, atmospheric methane has more than doubled and now constitutes 20% of t...

    C Frankenberg, JF Meirink, M van Weele, U Platt, T Wagner | published | Science | 2005 | 308
  14. Assessing model predicted vertical cloud structure and cloud overlap with radar and lidar ceilometer observations for the Baltex Bridge Campaign of CLIWA-NET

    The cloud vertical distribution and overlap of four large-scale models operating at different hor...

    U Willen, S Crewell, H Klein Baltink, O Sievers | published | Atmospheric Research | 2005 | 45
  15. Leaf wetness within a lily canopy

    A wetness duration experiment was carried out within a lily field situated adjacent to coastal du...

    AFG Jacobs, BG Heusinkveld, EJ Klok | published | Meteorological Applications (Royal Met. Society) | 2005 | 12
  16. Towards an automated Quality Control Manager for the Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)

    R Sleeman, J Vila | submitted | Orfeus Electronic Newsletter | 2005
  17. Exploring boundaries of the Fischer and PMCC signal-detectors using infrasound signals

    L Caljé | published | master thesis Utrecht University | 2005
  18. Hoe ontstaan tsunami’s en waarom?

    Een jaar geleden, op zondag 26 december 2004, werd Zuidoost-Azië getroffen door een van de zwaars...

    CM Dohmen-Janssen, JA Battjes, FH Goutbeek | published | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | 2005 | 71
  19. Development of the KNMI Operational Data Center

    KNMI provides weather, climate and seismological datasets to a varied group of customers. The num...

    WJ Som de Cerff, F van der Wel, J van de Vegte, IA van der Neut, M van der Hoeven | published | Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) | no
  20. Extreme discharges in the Meuse basin

    MJM de Wit, R Leander, TA Buishand | published | International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR) | no
  21. Meer droogte in Australie door een warmer wordend klimaat

    In 2002/2003 beleefde Australie een van de ergste droogtes uit de geschiedenis. De droogte veroor...

    C Taminiau, RJ Haarsma | published | Meteorologica | 2005 | 14
  22. Nachtelijke grenslaagprocessen boven een sneeuwdek in Cabauw tijdens een record-lage temperatuur voor maart

    In de nacht van 3 op 4 maart 2005 zijn in het noorden en midden van Nederland record lage tempera...

    FC Bosveld, G Lenderink | published | Meteorologica | 2005
  23. Extinction-ice water content-effective radius algorithms for CALIPSO

    Interrelationships between volume extinction oefficient, ice water content (IWC), and effective r...

    AJ Heymsfield, D Winker, GJ van Zadelhoff | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  24. Ground-based zenith sky abundances and in situ gas cross sections for ozone and nitrogen dioxide with the Earth Observing System Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument

    MR Dobber, R Dirksen, R Voors, GH Mount, P Levelt | published | Appl. Optics | 2005 | 44
  25. Bjerknes' hypothesis on the coldness during AD 1790-1820 revisited

    G van der Schrier, J Barkmeijer | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2005 | 24