Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. The structure and realism of sensitivity structures and their interpretation as 'Key Analysis Errors'

    L Isaksen, M Fisher, E Andersen, J Barkmeijer | accepted | Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | 2005
  2. Obliquely incident surface waves in shallow water of variable depth

    The propagation properties of obliquely incident, weakly nonlinear surface waves in shallow water...

    CA van Duin | submitted | J. Fluid Mech. | 2005
  3. The ERA-40 Reanalysis

    ERA-40 is a re-analysis of meteorological observations from September 1957 to August 2002 produce...

    V. Eyring, M. Righi, M. Evaldsson, A. Lauer, S. Wenzel, C. Jones, A. Anav, O. Andrews, I. Cionni, E.L. Davin, C. Deser, C. Ehbrecht, P. Friedlingstein, P. Gleckler, K.-D. Gottschaldt, S. Hagemann, M. Juckes, S. Kindermann, J. Krasting, D. Kunert, R. Levine, A. Loew, J. Mäkelä, G. Martin, E. Mason, A. Phillips, S. Read, C. Rio, R. Roehrig, D. Senftleben, A. Sterl, L.H. van Ulft, J. Walton, S. Wang, and K.D. Williams | published | Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. | 2005 | 131
  4. Assimilation of along-track altimeter data in the Tropical Pacific region of a global OGCM ensemble

    Identical-twin experiments are performed with an ocean general circulation model ensemble to inve...

    O Leeuwenburgh | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | 2005 | 131
  5. Validation of an EnKF system for OGCM initialisation assimilating temperature, salinity, and surface height measurements

    Results are presented from a decade-long assimilation run with an 64-member OGCM ensemble in a gl...

    O Leeuwenburgh | submitted | Mon. Wea. Rev. | 2005
  6. The impact of ensemble filter definition on the assimilation of temperature profiles in the tropical Pacific

    The traditional analysis scheme in the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) uses a stochastic perturbati...

    O Leeuwenburgh, G Evensen, L Bertino | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2005 | 131
  7. El Niño in a changing climate: a multi-model study

    In many parts of the world, climate projections for the next century depend on potential changes...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, SY Philip, M Collins | published | Ocean Science | 2005 | 1
  8. Can global warming affect tropical ocean heat transport?

    W Hazeleger | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  9. Sahel rainfall variability and response to greenhouse warming

    The NCEP/NCAR re-analyses data as well as ensemble integrations with an atmospheric GCM indicate ...

    RJ Haarsma, FM Selten, SL Weber, M Kliphuis | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  10. Comparison of model predicted liquid water path with groun-based measurements during CLIWA-NET

    Continuous cloud remote sensing measurements with microwave radiometers and various other instrum...

    E van Meijgaard, S Crewell | published | Atmos. Res. | 2005 | 75
  11. Quantification of the accuracy of LWP fields derived from NOAA-16/AVHRR over three ground stations using microwave radiometers

    D Jolivet, A Feijt | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2005 | 110
  12. Validation of a physical retrieval scheme of solar surface irradiances from narrow-band satellite radiances

    H Deneke, A Feijt, C Simmer, A van Lammeren | published | J. Appl. Meteorol. | 2005 | 44
  13. Antarctic ozone transport and depletion in Austral spring 2002

    P Siegmund, H Eskes, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2005 | 62
  14. On the evolution of sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific

    H Zelle | published | Universiteit Utrecht | 2005
  15. The two-way nested global chemistry-transport zoom model TM5: algorithm and applications

    This paper describes the global chemistry Transport Model, version 5 (TM5) which allows two-way ...

    M Krol, S Houweling, B Bregman, M van den Broek, A Segers, PFJ van Velthoven, W Peters, F Dentener | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2005 | 5
  16. Characteristics and Origin of Lowermost Stratospheric Aerosol at Northern Midlatitudes under Volcanic Quiescent Conditions Based on CARIBIC Observations

    Characteristics and origin of the aerosol in the lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes ...

    BG Martinsson, NN Hung, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2005 | 110
  17. Simulating relative humidity profiles in the tropics with a high-resolution regional meteorological model

    During this research project the WRF-model was installed and tested. The simulations of the WRF-m...

    S Maas | published | 2005
  18. Analyzing atmospheric trace gases and aerosols using passenger aircraft

    CAM Brenninkmeijer, PFJ van Velthoven, et al. | published | EOS Transactions | 2005 | 86
  19. On the role of convection and turbulence for tropospheric ozone and its precursors

    Ozon (O3) is een belangrijk sporengas in de troposfeer : het is een broeikasgas, het is giftig vo...

    DJL Olivie | published | Eindhoven | 2005
  20. Manually adjusting a numerical weather analysis using three-dimensional variational data-assimilation

    A method is presented to manually adjust the analysis of a numerical weather forecasting model a...

    WTM Verkley, PWC Vosbeek, AR Moene | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2005 | 131
  21. The Atlantic freshwater budget as a diagnostic for the existence of a stable shut-down of the meridional overturning circulation

    Which physical processes effectively determine the stability regime of the Atlantic meridional ov...

    SL Weber, P de Vries | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  22. A multi-model analysis of the role of the ocean on the African and Asian monsoon during the mid-Holocene

    We investigate the role of the ocean feedback on the climate response to insolation forcing durin...

    Y Zhao, P Braconnot, O Marti, SP Harrison, C Hewitt, A Kitoh, Z Liu, U Mikolajewicz, B Otto-Bliesner, SL Weber | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2005 | 25
  23. Extreme winds and sea-surges in climate models

    This thesis deals with the problem of how to estimate values of meteorological parameters that co...

    HW van den Brink | published | Universiteit Utrecht | 2005
  24. A climatological database for the world's oceans 1750-1854

    R Garcia-Herrera, GP Können, D Wheeler, MR Prieto, PD Jones, FB Koek | published | Climatic Change | 2005 | 73
  25. Uncertainties in extreme surge level estimates from observational records

    Ensemble simulations with a total length of 7540 years are generated with a climate model, and co...

    HW van den Brink, GP Können, JD Opsteegh | published | Trans. A. of the Royal Society | 2005 | 363