Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Evaluation of the operational Aerosol Layer Height retrieval algorithm for Sentinel-5 Precursor

    An algorithm setup for the operational Aerosol Layer Height product for TROPOMI on the Sentinel-5...

    AJ Sanders, JF de Haan, M Sneep, A Apituley, P Stammes, MO Vieitez, LG Tilstra, ONE Tuinder, CE Koning, JP Veefkind | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2015 | 8
  2. A global aerosol classification algorithm incorporating multiple satellite data sets of aerosol and trace gas abundances

    Detecting the optical properties of aerosols using passive satellite-borne measurements alone is ...

    MJM Penning de Vries, S Beirle, C Hörmann, JW Kaiser, P Stammes, LG Tilstra, ONE Tuinder, T Wagner | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015 | 15
  3. Crowdsourcing for climate and atmospheric sciences: current status and future potential

    Crowdsourcing is traditionally defined as obtaining data or information by enlisting the services...

    CL Muller, L Chapman, S Johnston, C Kidd, S Illingworth, G Foody, A Overeem, RR Leigh | published | Int. J. Climatology | 2015 | 35
  4. Significant radiative impact of volcanic aerosol in the lowermost stratosphere

    The influence of downwelling stratospheric sulfurous aerosol on the UT (upper troposphere) aeroso...

    SM Andersson, BG Martinsson, JP Vernier, J Friberg, CAM Brenninkmeijer, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven, A Zahn | published | Nature Communications | 2015
  5. Factors other than climate change, main drivers of 2014/15 water shortage in southeast Brazil

    Southeast Brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2014/15. Anthropogenic climate change is...

    FEL Otto, CAS Coelho, A King, E Coughlan de Perez, Y Wada, GJ van Oldenborgh, RJ Haarsma, K Haustein, P Uhe, M van Aalst, JA Aravequia, W Almeida, H Cullen | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2015 | 96
  6. Influence of land-atmosphere feedbacks on temperature extremes in the GLACE-CMIP5 ensemble

    R Lorenz, D Argueso, MG Donat, AJ Pitman, B van den Hurk, A Berg, DM Lawrence, F Cheruy, A Ducharne, S Hagemann, A Meier, PCD Milly, SI Seneviratne | submitted | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2015
  7. Copernicus stratospheric ozone service, 2009–2012: validation, system intercomparison and roles of input data sets

    This paper evaluates and discusses the quality of the stratospheric ozone analyses delivered in n...

    K Lefever, RJ van der A, F Baier, Y Christophe, Q Errera, HJ Eskes, J Flemming, A Inness, L Jones, JC Lambert, B Langerock, MG Schultz, O Stein, A Wagner, S Chabrillat | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015 | 15
  8. Anthropogenic emissions of NOx over China: Reconciling the difference of inverse modeling results using GOME-2 and OMI measurement

    Inverse modeling using satellite observations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns has been extensiv...

    D Gu, Y Wang, C Smeltzer, KF Boersma | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2015 | 119
  9. Aerosol single-scattering albedo over the global oceans: Comparing PARASAL retrievals with AERONET, OMI and AeroCom models estimates

    The aerosol single-scattering albedo (SSA) over the global ocean is evaluated based on polarimetr...

    C Lacagnina, OP Hasekamp, H Bian, G Curci, G Myhre, T van Noije, M Schulz, RB Skeie, T Takemura, K Zhang | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2015 | 120
  10. Advancements in decadal climate predictability: the role of non-oceanic drivers

    Progresses in understanding the role of sea-ice, land surface, stratosphere and aerosols in decad...

    A Bellucci, RJ Haarsma, N Bellouin, B Booth, C Cagnazzo, B van den Hurk, N Keenlyside, T Koenigk, F Massonnet, S Materia, M Weiss | published | Reviews of Geophysics | 2015
  11. Shear Capacity as prognostic for nocturnal boundary layer regimes

    Field observations and theoretical analysis are used to investigate the appearance of different n...

    IGS Hooijdonk, JMM Donda, HJM Clercx, FC Bosveld, J Sun, BJH van de Wiel | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2015 | 72
  12. MAX-DOAS observations of aerosols, formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide in the Beijing area: comparison of two profile retrieval approaches

    T Vlemmix, F Hendrick, G Pinardi, I De Smedt, C Fayt, C Hermans, A Piters, P Wang, P Levelt, M Van Roozendael | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2015 | 8
  13. The effect of increased freshwater from Antarctic ice shelves on future trends in Antarctic sea ice

    Observations show that, in contrast to the Arctic, the area of Antarctic sea ice has increased si...

    R Bintanja, GJ van Oldenborgh, CA Katsman | published | Annals of Glaciology | 2015 | 56
  14. Global impacts of surface ozone changes on crop yields and land use

    Exposure to surface ozone has detrimental impacts on vegetation and crop yields. In this study, w...

    C Chuwah, T van Noije, DP van Vuuren, E Stehfest, W Hazeleger | published | Atmos. Environ. | 2015 | 106
  15. The diurnal cycle of cloud feedback and land surface warming in climate models.

    We examine the diurnal cycle of cloud feedback using high frequency outputs in CFMIP-2 idealised ...

    MJ Webb, AP Lock, A Bodas-Salcedo, S Bony, JNS Cole, T Koshiro, H Kawai, C Lacagnina, FM Selten, R Roehrig, B Stevens | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2015 | 44
  16. The interaction between ENSO and the South Atlantic Subtropical Dipole Mode

    The interaction between ENSO and the South Atlantic subtropical dipole mode (SASD) is investigate...

    RR Rodrigues, EJD Campos, RJ Haarsma | published | J. Climate | 2015
  17. Impact of wind waves on the air-sea fluxes: A coupled model

    A revised wind-over-wave-coupling model is developed to provide a consistent description of the s...

    Kudryavtsev, Chapron, Makin | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2014
  18. Roadmap on the use of ARISE data for weather and climate in Europe

    This report summarizes the current abilities of the ARISE network, focussing on the use of ARISE ...

    PSM Smets, LG Evers, AJ Charlton-Perez, CF Lee, G Harrison | 2014 | - | 2014
  19. Modeling European hot spells using extreme value analysis

    Atmospheric blocking in mainland Europe is often cited as the cause of extremely high temperature...

    CS Photiadou, MR Jones, D Keellings, CF Dewes | published | Climate Research | 2014 | 58
  20. KNMI'14: Climate Change scenarios for the 21st Century – A Netherlands perspective

    This report documents and motivates the KNMI’14 climate change scenarios. It has an intermediate ...

    B van den Hurk, P Siegmund, A Klein Tank, J Attema, A Bakker, J Beersma, J Bessembinder, R Boers, T Brandsma, H van den Brink, S Drijfhout, H Eskes, R Haarsma, W Hazeleger, R Jilderda, C Katsman, G Lenderink, J Loriaux, E van Meijgaard, T van Noije, GJ van Oldenborgh, F Selten, P Siebesma, A Sterl, H de Vries, M van Weele, R de Winter, G-J van Zadelhoff | 26-5-2014 | pp120
  21. Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2

    Air pollution simulations critically depend on the quality of the underlying meteorology. In phas...

    D Brunner, N Savage, O Jorba, B Eder, L Giordano, +15 Co-auteurs A t/m M, E van Meijgaard, +11 Co-auteurs N t/m Z | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2014 | xxx
  22. On tail trend detection: modeling relative risk

    The climate change dispute is about changes over time of environmental characteristics (such as r...

    L de Haan, AMG Klein Tank, C Neves | published | Extremes | 2014
  23. A new stratospheric and tropospheric NO2 retrieval algorithm for nadir-viewing satellite instruments: applications to OMI

    E Bucsela, NA Krotkov, EA Celarier, LN Lamsal, WH Swartz, PK Bhartia, KF Boersma, JP Veefkind, JF Gleason, KE Pickering | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2014 | 6
  24. Updated cloud physics in a regional atmospheric climate model improves the modelled surface energy balance of Antarctica

    In this study the effects of changes in the physics package of the regional atmospheric climate m...

    JM van Wessem, CH Reijmer, JTM Lenaerts, WJ van de Berg, MR van den Broeke, E van Meijgaard | published | The Cryosphere | 2014 | 8
  25. Improved representation of East Antarctic surface mass balance in a regional atmospheric climate model

    This study evaluates the impact of a recent upgrade in the physics package of the regional atmosp...

    JM van Wessem, CH Reijmer, M Morlighem, J Mouginot, E Rignot, B Medley, I Joughin, B Wouters, MA Depoorter, JL Bamber, JTM Lenaerts, WJ van de Berg, MR van den Broeke, E van Meijgaard | published | J. Glaciology | 2014 | 60