Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Assessment of Updated Fuel‐Based Emissions Inventories Over the Contiguous United States Using TROPOMI NO2 Retrievals

    Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are air pollutants critical to ozone and fine particle production in the tr...

    M Li, BC McDonald, SA McKeen, H Eskes, P Levelt, C Francoeur, C Harkins, J He, M Barth, DK Henze, MM Bela, M Trainer, JA de Gouw, GJ Frost | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2021
  2. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5

    The first operational phase 2014–2021 of the Copernicus Marine Service has successfully implement...

    Karina von Schuckmann, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Neville Smith, Ananda Pascual, Samuel Djavidnia, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Marilaure Grégoire, Signe Aaboe, Victor Alari, Brittany E Alexander, Andrés Alonso-Martirena, Ali Aydogdu, Joel Azzopardi, Marco Bajo, Francesco Barbariol, Mirna Batistić, Arno Behrens, Sana Ben Ismail, Alvise Benetazzo, Isabella Bitetto, Mireno Borghini, Laura Bray, Arthur Capet, Roberto Carlucci, Sourav Chatterjee, Jacopo Chiggiato, Stefania Ciliberti, Giulia Cipriano, Emanuela Clementi, Paul Cochrane, Gianpiero Cossarini, Lorenzo d'Andrea, Silvio Davison, Emily Down, Aldo Drago, Jean-Noël Druon, Georg Engelhard, Ivan Federico, Rade Garić, Adam Gauci, Riccardo Gerin, Gerhard Geyer, Rianne Giesen, Simon Good, Richard Graham, Marilaure Grégoire, Eric Greiner, Kjell Gundersen, Pierre Hélaouët, Stefan Hendricks, Johanna J Heymans, Jason Holt, Marijana Hure, Mélanie Juza, Dimitris Kassis, Paula Kellett, Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Panagiotis Kountouris, Marilii Kõuts, Priidik Lagemaa, Thomas Lavergne, Jean-François Legeais, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Simone Libralato, Vidar S Lien, Leonardo Lima, Sigrid Lind, Ye Liu, Diego Macías, Ilja Maljutenko, Antoine Mangin, Aarne Männik, Veselka Marinova, Riccardo Martellucci, Francesco Masnadi, Elena Mauri, Michael Mayer, Milena Menna, Catherine Meulders, Jane S Møgster, Maeva Monier, Kjell Arne Mork, Malte Müller, Jan Even Øie Nilsen, Giulio Notarstefano, José L Oviedo, Cyril Palerme, Andreas Palialexis, Diego Panzeri, Silvia Pardo, Elisaveta Peneva, Paolo Pezzutto, Annunziata Pirro, Trevor Platt, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Laura Prieto, Stefano Querin, Lasse Rabenstein, Roshin P Raj, Urmas Raudsepp, Marco Reale, Richard Renshaw, Antonio Ricchi, Robert Ricker, Sander Rikka, Javier Ruiz, Tommaso Russo, Jorge Sanchez, Rosalia Santoleri, Shubha Sathyendranath, Giuseppe Scarcella, Katrin Schroeder, Stefania Sparnocchia, Maria Teresa Spedicato, Emil Stanev, Joanna Staneva, Alexandra Stocker, Ad Stoffelen, Anna Teruzzi, Bryony Townhill, Rivo Uiboupin, Nadejda Valcheva, Luc Vandenbulcke, Håvard Vindenes, Karina von Schuckmann, Nedo Vrgoč, Sarah Wakelin, Walter Zupa | Journal of Operational Oceanography | 2021 | 14
  3. Tropical cyclone sensitivities to CO2 doubling: Roles of atmospheric resolution, synoptic variability and background climate changes

    Responses of tropical cyclones (TCs) to CO2 doubling are explored using coupled global climate mo...

    GA Vecchi, T Delworth, H Murakami, SD Underwood, AT Wittenberg, F Zeng, W Zhang, J Baldwin, K Bhatia, W Cooke, J He, SB Kapnick, T Knutson, G Villarini, K van der Wiel, W Anderson, V Balaji, J-H Chen, K Dixon, R Gudgel, L Harris, L Jia, NC Johnson, S-J Lin, M Liu, J Ng, A Rosati, J Smith, X Yang | published | Climate Dynamics | 2019 | 53
  4. Verdamping in de hydrologie

    Aanleiding van het schrijven van dit boek is dat op 17-sep-2009 de Nederlandse Hydrologen Verenig...

    G van den Eertwegh, P Bartolomeus, FP Bierkens, FC Bosveld, P Droogers, J Heijkers, E Moors, C van der Tol | published | 2015 | Nederlandse Hydrologen Vereniging en STOWA
  5. Study of aerosol hygroscopic events over the Cabauw experimental site for atmospheric research (CESAR) using the multi-wavelength Raman lidar Caeli Study of aerosol hygroscopic events over the Cabauw experimental site for atmospheric research (CESAR)

    This article presents a study of aerosol optical and microphysical properties under different rel...

    AJ Frenandez, A Apituley, I Veselovskii, A Suvorina, J Henzing, M Pujadas, B Artinano | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2015 | 120
  6. Intercomparison and evaluation of aerosol microphysical properties among AeroCom global models of a range of complexity

    Many of the next generation of global climate models will include aerosol schemes which explicitl...

    GW Mann, KS Carslaw, CL Reddington, KJ Pringle, M Schulz, A Asmi, DV Spracklen, DA Ridley, MT Woodhouse, LA Lee, K Zhang, SJ Ghan, RC Easter, X Liu, P Stier, YH Lee, PJ Adams, H Tost, J Lelieveld, SE Bauer, K Tsigaridis, TPC van Noije, A Strunk, E Vignati, N Bellouin, M Dalvi, CE Johnson, T Bergman, H Kokkola, K von Salzen, F Yu, G Luo, A Petzold, J Heintzenberg, A Clarke, JA Ogren, J Gras, U Baltensperger, U Kaminski, SG Jennings, CD O'Dowd, RM Harrison, DCS Beddows, M Kulmala, Y Viisanen, V Ulevicius, N Mihalopoulos, V Zdimal, M Fiebig, H-C Hansson, E Swietlicki, JS Henzing | published | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | 2014 | 14
  7. Annex I: Atlas of Global and Regional Climate Projections

    M Collins, JM Arblaster, J Hesselbjerg Christensen, GJ van Oldenborgh, S Power, M Rummukainen, T Zhou | accepted | Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis | 2013 | Cambridge University Press | yes
  8. Ground-based Observations and Modelling of the Visibility and Radar Reflectivity in a Radiation Fog Layer

    R Boers, H Klein Baltink, J Hemink, F Bosveld, M Moerman | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2013 | 30
  9. MAXDOAS formaldehyde slant column measurements during CINDI: intercomparison and analysis improvement

    G Pinardi, M Van Roozendael, N Abuhassan, C Adams, A Cede, K Clemer, C Fayt, U Friess, M Gil, J Herman, C Hermans, F Hendrick, ......, AJM Piters, et al | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2013
  10. Total and tropospheric NO2 column measurements using direct sun, zenith sky and MAX-DOAS techniques during the CINDI campaign

    E Spinei, GH Mount, N Abuhassan, A Cede, J Herman, M Van Roozendael, K Clemer, C Fayt, F Hendrick, F Goutail, A Griesfeller, A Pazmino, AJM Piters | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2012
  11. Climatology of temperatures below -70oC near tropopause on Atlantic-tracks.

    On request the climatological occurrence of temperatures below -70oC on ight tracks on the Northe...

    D Wolters, J Hemink, G Groen | 22-1-2011 | pp0
  12. Het noodweer van 14 juli 2010 in Vethuizen en Neerkant en omgeving

    Op woensdag 14 juli 2010 trok een intensieve buienlijn over ons land. De bijbehorende windfenomen...

    G Groen (Ed), R Groenland, J Hemink, J Kuiper, N Wever | 9-2-2011 | pp0
  13. Comparison of ambient aerosol extinction coefficients obtained from in-situ, MAX-DOAS and LIDAR measurements at Cabauw

    P Zieger, E Weingartner, J Henzing, M Moerman, G de Leeuw, J Mikkilä, M Ehn, T Petäjä, K Clémer, M van Roozendaal, S Yilmaz, U Frieß, H Irie, A Apituley, KM Wilson | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2011
  14. Het noodweer van 14 juli 2010 in Vethuizen en Neerkant e.o., meteorologisch onderzoek en achtergronden

    Op woensdag 14 juli 2010 trok een intensieve buienlijn over ons land. De bijbehorende windfenomen...

    R Groenland, G Groen, J Hemink, J Kuiper, N Wever | 19-12-2010 | pp0
  15. Origin of aerosol particles in the mid-latitude and subtropical upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere from cluster analysis of CARIBIC data

    The origin of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere over the Eura...

    M Koppe, M Hermann, CAM Brenninkmeijer, J Heintzenberg, H Schlager, T Schuck, F Slemr, D Sprung, PFJ van Velthoven, A Wiedensohler, A Zahn, H Ziereis | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2009
  16. Measurements of upper tropospheric aerosol particles with an optical particle counter onboard the CARIBIC aircraft on a flight sequence to South America

    M Reichelt, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, A Weigelt, BG Martinsson, CAM Brenninkmeijer, F Slemr, PFJ van Velthoven, A Zahn, D O\' Sullivan | submitted | J. Geophys. Res. | 2008
  17. Submicrometer aerosol particle distributions in the upper troposphere over the mid-latitude North Atlantic results from the third route of CARIBIC

    M Hermann, CAM Brenninkmeijer, F Slemr, J Heintzenberg, BG Martinsson, H Schlager, PFJ van Velthoven, A Wiedensohler, A Zahn, H Ziereis | published | Tellus | 2008 | 1
  18. Characteristics and Origin of Lowermost Stratospheric Aerosol at Northern Midlatitudes under Volcanic Quiescent Conditions Based on CARIBIC Observations

    Characteristics and origin of the aerosol in the lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes ...

    BG Martinsson, NN Hung, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2005 | 110
  19. Characteristics and origin of lowermost stratospheric aerosol at northern midlatidudes during background conditions based on CARIBIC measurements

    BG Martinsson, H Nguyen, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, PFJ van Velthoven | Report series in aerosol science, 71B | 2004 | Finnish association for aerosol research
  20. Aerosol elemental concentrations in the tropopause region from intercontinentel flights with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform

    G Papaspiropoules, BG Martinsson, A Zahn, CAM Brenninkmeijer, M Hermann, J Heintzenberg, H Fischer, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2002 | 107
  21. Results and status of the aircraft research project Caribic

    CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, PJ Crutzen, J Heintzenberg, M Hermann, H Fisher, G Heinrich, PFJ van Velthoven, H Cuijpers, R Borchers, D Oram | 2000 | 2000
  22. Identification of extratropical two-way troposphere-stratosphere mixing ased on CARIBIC measurements of O3, CO and ultrafine particles

    A Zahn, CAM Brenninkmeijer, M Maiss, DH Scharffe, PJ Crutzen, M Hermann, J Heintzenberg, A Wiedersholer, H Güsten, G Heinrich, H Fisher, JWM Cuijpers, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2000 | 105