Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Bescherming ozonlaag: 20 jaar effectief beleid - een welkome waarheid

    P Siegmund, H Slaper, G Velders, H De Backer, RJ van der A, M van Weele, JP Veefkind, MAF Allaart, D Swart, P den Outer | published | Folder | 2007
  2. Spaceborne surface UV radiation products as available from TEMIS

    Worldwide forecasts and archives of assimilated total ozone columns and surface UV products based...

    M van Weele, RJ van der A | 2007 | 2007 | PMOD
  3. The role of eddy diffusivity profiles on stratocumulus liquid water path biases

    Results from simulations of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer with one-dimensional versions...

    SR de Roode | published | Mon. Wea. Rev. | 2007 | 135
  4. Multi-model simulations of the impact of international shipping on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in 2000 and 2030

    The global impact of shipping on atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing, as well as the asso...

    V Eyring, DS Stevenson, A Lauer, FJ Dentener, T Butler, WJ Collins, K Ellingsen, M Gauss, DA Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, MG Lawrence, A Richter, JM Rodriguez, M Sanderson, SE Strahan, K Sudo, S Szopa, TPC van Noije, O Wild | published | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | 2007 | 7
  5. Evaluation of the diurnal cycle of model predicted cloud liquid water path with MSG-SEVIRI observations

    The evaluation of diurnal cycles of cloud Liquid Water path (LWP) in climate models receives rela...

    RA Roebeling, AJ Feijt, E van Meijgaard | 2007 | 2007 | Eumetsat
  6. Globale stralingsmeting vanuit de ruimte

    Sinds januari 2004 verzamelen de satellieten uit de Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)-serie iedere...

    H Deneke, RA Roebeling, ELA Wolters, AJ Feijt | published | Meteorologica | 2007 | 16
  7. Portal concept and strategy Report

    T van Eck, A Spinuso, V Douet, R Bossu | 2007 | Neries project | 2007
  8. Portal and networking infrastructures

    V Douet, S Rives, A Spinuso | 2007 | Neries project | 2007
  9. The energy balance experiment EBEX-2000. Part III: Behaviour and quality of the radiation measurements

    W Kohsiek, C Liebethal, T Foken, R Vogt, SP Oncley, C Bernhofer, HAR de Bruin | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2007 | 123
  10. The ADM-Aeolus wind retrieval algorithms

    The ADM-Aeolus is primarily a research and demonstration mission flying the first Doppler wind li...

    DGH Tan, E Andersson, J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, P Poli, ML Denneulin, A Dabas, D Huber, O Reitebuch, P Flamant, O Le Rille, H Nett | published | 2007
  11. IJsvorming langs de Betuweroute

    Op 28 maart 2007 heeft de heer J.W. Prins (Projectorganisatie Betuweroute) het KNMI, afdeling Kli...

    Geert Groen, Rudmer Jilderda | 25-9-2007 | pp16
  12. A variational data assimilation system for ground-based GPS slant delays

    H Jarvinen, R Eresmaa, H Vedel, K Salonen, S Niemela, J de Vries | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2007
  13. REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years (RETRO) — A long-term global modeling study of tropospheric chemistry

    MG Schultz, L Backman, Y Balkanski, S Bjoerndalsaeter, R Brand, JP Burrows, S Dalsoeren, M de Vasconcelos, B Grodtmann, DA Hauglustaine, A Heil, JJ Hoelzemann, ISA Isaksen, J Kaurola, W Knorr, A Ladstaetter-Weißenmayer, B Mota, D Oom, J Pacyna, D Panasiuk, JMC Pereira, T Pulles, J Pyle, S Rast, A Richter, N Savage, C Schnadt, M Schulz, A Spessa, J Staehelin, JK Sundet, S Szopa, K Thonicke, M van het Bolscher, T van Noije, P van Velthoven, AF Vik, F Wittrock | 2007 | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | 2007
  14. Intercomparison of SCIAMACHY nitrogen dioxide observations, in situ measurements and air quality modeling results over Western Europe

    The Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography (SCIAMACHY) satellite sp...

    N Blond, KF Boersma, HJ Eskes, RJ van der A, M Van Roozendael, I De Smedt, G Bergametti, R Vautard | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2007 | 112
  15. De zomerstorm van 1674

    Woensdag 1 augustus 1674. Een warme en benauwde dag die, zoals vaker in Nederland, zal eindigen i...

    G van der Schrier, R Groenland | published | Meteorologica | 2007
  16. The ESSENCE project – the power of a large model ensemble

    The ESSENCE project, a large-member model ensemble of future climate under greenhouse-gas forcing...

    A Sterl, RJ Haarsma, F Selten, H Dijkstra | Biennial Scientific Report 2005-2006 | 2007 | KNMI
  17. Final validation of CM-SAF cloud products derived from MSG/SEVIRI data

    HM Deneke, S Johnston, M Reuter, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters, KG Karlsson | 2007 | EUMETSAT | 2007
  18. The FRESCO+ cloud algorithm for GOME and SCIAMACHY: improvement and validation

    The FRESCO algorithm (Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-band) has been successfu...

    P Wang, P Stammes, R van der A | 2007 | 2007
  19. The FRESCO+ cloud algorithm for GOME and SCIAMACHY: improvement and validation

    The FRESCO algorithm (Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from the Oxygen A-band) has been successfu...

    P Wang, P Stammes, R van der A | 2007 | 2007
  20. Towards an Improved Retrieval of Ice Cloud Properties

    The report presents the results of a Visiting Scientist Activity within the SAF on Climate Monito...

    S Meyer, A Macke, RA Roebeling | 2007 | 2007
  21. Near-real time retrieval of tropospheric NO2 from OMI

    KF Boersma, HJ Eskes, JP Veefkind, EJ Brinksma, RJ van der A, M Sneep, GHJ van den Oord, PF Levelt, P Stammes, JF Gleason, EJ Bucsela | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2007
  22. Kansverwachtingen voor onweer ten behoeve van uitgifte Weeralarm (KOUW)

    MJ Schmeits, CJ Kok, DHP Vogelezang, RM van Westrhenen | 13-4-2007 | pp0
  23. Probabilistic 0-12 h forecasts of (severe) thunderstorms for the purpose of issuing a weather alarm

    MJ Schmeits, CJ Kok, DHP Vogelezang, RM van Westrhenen | KNMI Biennial scientific report 2005-2006 | 2007
  24. Negative ocean-atmosphere feedback in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone

    RAF de Almeida, P Nobre, RJ Haarsma, EJD Campos | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2007 | 34
  25. Validation from more than one year of data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument

    M Kroon, EJ Brinksma, JP Veefkind, R McPeters, G Labow, PF Levelt, PK Bhartia | 2007 | ACCENT-Troposat | 2007