Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Downscaling of METEOSAT SEVIRI 0.6 and 0.8 micron channel radiances utilizing the high-resolution visible channel

    An algorithm is introduced to downscale the 0.6 and 0.8 micron spectral channels of the METEOSTAT...

    HM Deneke, RA Roebeling | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2010 | 10
  2. Broken and inhomogeneous cloud impact on satellite cloud particle effective radius and cloud-phase retrieval

    ELA Wolters, HM Deneke, BJJM van den Hurk, JF Meirink, RA Roebeling | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2010 | 115
  3. Multiresolution Analysis of the Temporal Variance and Correlation of Transmittance and Reflectance of an Atmospheric Column

    HM Deneke, WH Knap, C Simmer | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009
  4. Impact of broken and inhomogeneous clouds in satellite cloud-phase retrieval

    The influence of broken and inhomogeneous clouds on satellite cloud-phase retrievals is investiga...

    ELA Wolters, HM Deneke, JF Meirink, RA Roebeling | 2008 | 2008 | EUMETSAT
  5. Estimating surface solar irradiance from METEOSAT SEVIRI-derived cloud properties

    A satellite retrieval of surface solar irradiance based on METEOSAT SEVIRI-derived cloud properti...

    HM Deneke, AJ Feijt, RA Roebeling | published | Remote Sens. Environ. | 2008 | 112
  6. Validation of cloud liquid water path retrievals from SEVIRI using one year of CLOUDNET observations

    The accuracy and precision are determined of cloud liquid water path (LWP) retrievals from the Sp...

    RA Roebeling, HM Deneke, AJ Feijt | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2008 | 47

    ELA Wolters, HM Deneke, RA Roebeling, AJ Feijt | 2007 | 2007
  8. Final validation of CM-SAF cloud products derived from MSG/SEVIRI data

    HM Deneke, S Johnston, M Reuter, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters, KG Karlsson | 2007 | EUMETSAT | 2007
  9. Influence of clouds on the solar radiation budget

    This thesis investigates the accuracy of a current radiative transfer scheme and a single. column...

    HM Deneke | --2002 | pp134