Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Het KNMI-programma Hisklim (Historisch Klimaat)

    Het KNMI heeft een grote achterstand bij het digitaliseren, bewerken, beschik-baar stellen en beh...

    Theo Brandsma, Frits Koek, Hendrik Wallbrink, Günther Können | 2-2-2000 | pp72
  2. Gang van zaken 1940-48 rond de 20.000 zoekgeraakte scheepsjournalen

    Tegen het einde van de tweede wereldoorlog, in de periode tussen December 1944 en Januari 1945, i...

    Hendrik Wallbrink, Frits Koek | 0-0-2000 | pp21
  3. Radiation and cloud studies with GOME in preparation for future spectrometer missions

    P Stammes, WH Knap, RBA Koelemeijer, NAJ Schutgens | published | European Space Agency | no
  4. Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin; multi-site generation of weather variables for the entire drainage area

    This is the final report of a project on the development of a rainfall generator for the Rhine ba...

    Rafal Wojcik, Jules Beersma, Adri Buishand | 0-0-2000 | pp38
  5. Geo-mechanical and rheological modelling of upper crustal faults and their near surface expression in the Netherlands

    JB Dirkzwager, JD van Wees, SAPL Cloetingh, MC Geluk, B Dost, F Beekman | published | Global and Planetary Change | 2000 | 27
  6. Development of a radar-based Hail-Detection-Product

    At the moment, a tool for the detection and display of severe weather events related to convectiv...

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, JRA Onvlee, SJM Barlag | published | AMS | no
  7. Development of a Hail-Detection-Product

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, JRA Onvlee, SJM Barlag | published | Phys. Chem. Earth | 2000 | 25
  8. MARE and ACSEX; new research programmes on the Agulhas Current System

    JRE Lutjeharms, WPM de Ruijter, H Ridderinkhof, H van Aken, C Veth, PJ van Leeuwen, SS Drijfhout, JHF Jansen, GJA Brummer | published | South African Journal of Science | 2000 | 96
  9. Automatisering Visuele Waarnemingen Ontwikkeling Meetsystemen

    In kader van het project HOPWA (Herstructurering Operationeel Productieproces Weersverwachtingen ...

    Wiel Wauben Hans de Jongh | --1999 | pp49
  10. ASGAMAGE: the ASGASEX MAGE experiment

    Final report

    W.A. Oost | --1999 | pp176
  11. Can one disciminate between different wave generation theories on the basis of wind profile measurements?

    G Komen, V Kudryavtsev, VK Makin, J Meirink, W Oost | 1999 | 1999
  12. 2Tropospheric Wind and Humidity Derived from Space-borne Radar Intensity and Phase Observations

    A Stoffelen, R Hanssen, I Weinrich, S Lehner | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1999 | 27
  13. Tropospheric Wind and Humidity Derived from Space-borne Radar Intensity and Phase Observations

    R Hanssen, I Weinrich, S Lehner, A Stoffelen | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 1999 | 27
  14. Patterns of temperature variability on multidecadal to centennial timescales

    The spatio-temporal structure of low-frequency temperature variability, as reflected in a paleo n...

    MV Shabalova, SL Weber | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  15. An intercomparison of radiatively-driven entrainment and turbulence in a smoke cloud, as simulated by different numerical models

    CS Bretherton, MK Macvean, P Bechtold, A Chlond, WR Cotton, J Cuxart, H Cuypers, M Khairoutdinov, B Kosovic, D Lewellen, CH Moeng, AP Siebesma, B Stevens, DE Stevens, I Sykes | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. | 1999 | 125
  16. Highly elevated CO concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere at northern midlatitudes during the STREAM II summer campaign in 1994

    A Waibel, P Siegmund | published | Chemosphere | 1999 | 1
  17. Evaluation of possiblities to incorporate water stress effects in three stomatal conductance models when modelling daily ecosystem fluxes of a Douglas fir forest.

    MT van Wijk, SC Dekker, W Bouten, FC Bosveld, W Kohsiek, K Kramer, GMJ Mohren | published | Tree Phys. | 1999 | 20
  18. Cirrus optical thickness and crystal size retrieval from ATSR-2 data using phase functions of imperfect hexagonal ice crystals.

    WH Knap, M Hess, P Stammes, RBA Koelemeijer, PD Watts | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  19. Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange: dynamics, estimation and impact.

    WPM de Ruijter, A Biastoch, SS Drijfhout, JRE Lutjeharms, RP Matano, T Pichevin, PJ van Leeuwen, W Weijer | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  20. Stochastically forced variability in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

    R Weisse, U Mikolajewicz, A Sterl, SS Drijfhout | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1999 | 104
  21. UV-intercomparison SUSPEN

    UV-intercomparison SUSPEN 

    Foeke Kuik and Wiel Wauben | --1998 | pp42
  22. Experimenting with a similarity measure for atmospheric flows

    The data related to four atmospheric pressure-levels during 14 winters are used in order to check...

    R.A. Pasmanter and X.-L. Wang | --1998 | pp16
  23. Evaluation of a radio interferometry lightning positioning system

    Results from a SAFIR lightning positioning system covering the Netherlands are analysed and compa...

    H.R.A. Wessels | --1998 | pp26
  24. Nitric acid (HN03) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere at mid-latitudes: New results from aircraft based mass spectrometic measurements

    J Schneider, F Arnold, V Burger, B Droste-Franke, F Grimm, G Kirchner, M Klemm, T Stilp, KH Wohlfrom, P Siegmund, PFJ van Velthoven | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 1998 | 103
  25. The KNMI Garderen Experiment, micro-meteorological observations 1988-1989; instruments and data

    The KNMI Garderen Experiment, micro-meteorological observations 1988-1989; instruments and data

    FC Bosveld, JG van der Vliet, WAA Monna | 31-12-1998 | pp60