Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Capacity Final Report

    M van Weele | 2005 | 0
  2. User Requirement document (In preparation of the Next Tropospheric Mission)

    M van Weele, R Koelemeier | 2005 | 0
  3. Global observations and spectral characteristics of desert dust and biomass burning aerosols

    A technique that has gained considerable interest over the last years to monitor aerosol distribu...

    M de Graaf, P Stammes | 2005 | 2005 | University of Arizona Student Union | IEEE
  4. Lancering Aura (15 juli)

    EJ Brinksma | published | De Techniek Scheurkalender 2005 | 2005
  5. Satellite Observations of Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide: Retrieval, Interpretation and Modelling

    KF Boersma | published | T.U. Eindhoven | 2005
  6. Klimaatverandering: wat is er aan de hand met het weer in Nederland en Belgiƫ

    H Geurts, R van Dorland | published | 2005 | Teleac/KNMI
  7. Atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide from SCIAMACHY satellite data: Initial comparison with chemistry and transport models

    M Buchwitz, R de Beek, JP Burrows, H Bovensmann, T Warneke, J Notholt, JF Meirink, APH Goede, P Bergamaschi, S Koerner, M Heimann, A Schulz | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2005 | 5
  8. Solar cycle modulation of the Arctic Oscillation in a chemistry-climate model

    K Tourpali, CJE Schuurmans, R van Dorland, B Steil, C Brühl, E Manzini | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  9. Calibration comparison between SCIAMACHY and MERIS on board ENVISAT

    JR Acarreta, P Stammes | published | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2005 | 2
  10. Wat is de waarde van weerregels voor de winter? Deel I

    Er zijn veel weerspreuken en andere ervaringsregels in omloop die moeten aangeven of de winter ko...

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Kenniscentrum KNMI | 2005
  11. Wat is de waarde van weerregels voor de winter? Deel 2

    Twee weken geleden heb ik gekeken of een warme oktober, weinig zonnevlekken, zeewatertemperatuur ...

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Kenniscentrum KNMI | 2005
  12. Evaluation of three Radar Product Processors

    Currently KNMI is preparing a technical upgrade of the weather radar systems to extend their oper...

    I Holleman, H Beekhuis | 0-0-2005 | pp44
  13. Review of the KNMI clutter removal scheme

    In this technical report it is demonstrated that the current clutter removal scheme can be transf...

    I Holleman, H Beekhuis | 0-0-2005 | pp0
  14. Upper Air Wind Measurements by Weather Radar

    Doppler weather radars can be employed to determine wind profiles at a high temporal resolution. ...

    I Holleman, H Benschop, J van der Meulen | 2005 | 0 | WMO
  15. Hebben neerslagmeters hun langste tijd gehad?

    Binnen Nederland zijn de waterschappen grootverbruikers van actuele en accurate neerslag-informat...

    J Heijkers, I Holleman, P Schaper | published | H2O | 2005 | 18
  16. Use of Radar Observations in Hydrology and NWP models

    Weather radars have provided a focus for three previous COST Actions over the last twenty years o...

    A Rossa, M Bruen, D Fruehwald, B Macpherson, I Holleman, D Michelson, S Michaelides | 2005 | EUR 21954, 292 pp, Brussels | 2005
  17. Quality of Radar Echo Top Heights

    L DeLobbe, I Holleman | 2005 | 0 | AMS
  18. Evaluatie van Doppler Windscheringproduct

    Afgelopen zomer (juli tot september 2004) is een evaluatie uitgevoerd van het windscheringsproduc...

    I Holleman, H Mellink, T de Boer, H Beekhuis | 0-0-2005 | pp33
  19. Spatial Classification of Precipitation from Operational Radar Data

    CZ van de Beek, R Uijlenhoet, I Holleman | 2005 | 0 | AMS
  20. Verification of a Radar-Based Hail Detection Product

    L DeLobbe, I Holleman, D Dehenauw, J Nemeghaire | 2005 | 0 | Meteo France
  21. Quality Control and Verification of Weather Radar Wind Profiles

    Weather Radar Wind Profiles (WRWP) have been retrieved from Doppler volume scans using different...

    I Holleman | published | J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | 2005 | 22
  22. Weather Radar Data Quality in Europe: Quality Control and Characterization

    D Michelson, T Einfalt, I Holleman, U Gjertsen, K Friedrich, G Haase, M Lindskog, A Jurczyk | 2005 | EUR 21955, 92pp, Brussels | 0
  23. SIVVRR V2: Initial Validation of CM-SAF Cloud Products using MSG/SEVIRI Data.

    KG Karlsson, P Albert, S Johnston, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters | 2005 | EUMETSAT | 2005
  24. Scientific Report ORR_V2: Validation of CM-SAF Cloud Products using MSG/SEVIRI Data.

    KG Karlsson, P Albert, S Johnston, RA Roebeling, A Tetzlaff, W Thomas, ELA Wolters | 2005 | EUMETSAT | 2005
  25. Stratospheric ozone and tropospheric air pollution observed from space with UV-visible spectrometers

    The ozone layer is of vital importance for life on Earth because ...

    HJ Eskes | published | Space Research Today | 2005