The Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) is the only operational aerosol product from the SCanning Imagi...
Nadir ozone profiles retrieved from the GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) instrument are ...
We introduce an alternative method for the retrieval of polarisation in the ultraviolet by the sa...
In this paper we present an extensive validation of calibrated SCIAMACHY nadir reflectance in the...
We present a reflectance validation method, using a polarized radiative transfer model as a refer...
A Regional Atmospheric Climate MOdel RACMO has been run over the Nile Basin (12°S, 36°N and 10°W ...
Large evaporation occurs over the Sudd wetland, a huge swamp located on the Upper Nile. Historica...
Recently, many people have found polarisation features in the SCIAMACHY Level-1c spectrum, in the...
A fast atmospheric General Circulation Model is used to generate three ensembles of atmospheric c...
Numerical guidance methods for decision support of aviation meteorological forecasters are presen...
This is the second part of a rigorous model evaluation study involving five global Chemistry-Tra...
Stratospheric age of air computed with trajectories based on various 3D-Var and 4D-Var data sets...
The northward export of intermediate water from Drake Passage is investigated in two global ocean...
A global comparison of altimeter and ERA-40 mean wave period data is performed for the first time...
A new nonparametric method to correct model data is proposed. At any given point in space and tim...