Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Evaluation of atmospheric fields from the ECMWF seasonal forecasts over a 15 year period

    Since 1997 the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has made seasonal forec...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, MA Balmaseda, L Ferranti, TN Stockdale, DLT Anderson | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  2. Did the ECMWF seasonal forecast model outperform statistical ENSO forecast models over the last 15 years?

    The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has made seasonal forecasts since ...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, MA Balmaseda, L Ferranti, TN Stockdale, DLT Anderson | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  3. The simplest ENSO recharge oscillator

    Eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) and mean equatorial Pacific thermocline depth are k...

    G Burgers, FF Jin, GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2005 | 32
  4. Comment on 'Predictability of winter climate over the North Atlantic European region during ENSO events' by P.-P. Mathieu, R. T. Sutton, B. Dong and M. Collins

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  5. Tropical Pacific-driven decadal energy transport variability

    W Hazeleger, C Severijns, R Seager, F Molteni | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  6. Report on Tropical Atlantic workshop, KNMI de Bilt, 7-9 June 2004

    W Hazeleger | published | Clivar Exchanges | 2005 | 10
  7. Optimizing parameters in an atmospheric general circulation model

    CA Severijns, W Hazeleger | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  8. El Niño and Greenhouse warming: Results from Ensemble Simulations with the NCAR CCSM

    The changes in model ENSO behavior due to an increase in greenhouse gases (according to the IPCC ...

    H Zelle, GJ van Oldenborgh, G Burgers, H Dijkstra | published | J. Climate | 2005 | 18
  9. Nederland nog warmer geworden

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Klimaatverandering | 2005 | Kosmos-Z&K | no
  10. Report of the reviews of the research efforts of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

    An international Review Committee (RC) bas been established by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, P...

    KNMI | --2004 | pp35
  11. Biennial Scientific Report 2003 – 2004

    In February 2004 an international committee reviewed KNMI’s research pro- gramme. This committee ...

    KNMI | --2004 | pp88
  12. Dit TR nummer is niet uigegeven / This TR number has not been assigned


    - | --2004 | pp0
  13. Calibration Heimann radiation thermometers W. Kohsiek De Bilt,

    In the past years radiation thermometers have been employed by KNMI to measure the sky temperatu...

    W. Kohsiek | --2004 | pp15
  14. Vergelijking van diverse methodes voor de berekening van zonneschijnduur uit globale straling

    For many years sunshine hours have been recorded using manually operated meteorological stations....

    Jarno Schipper | --2004 | pp44
  15. Precipitation type detection Present Weather Sensor : final report

    Precipitation type detection Present Weather Sensor : final report 

    H. Bloemink | --2004 | pp24
  16. Temperatuur Onderzoek Instrumentatie Kasten (TOInK)

    Verslag over zomer 2003 en winter 2003-2004

    A.N. Mazee | --2004 | pp28
  17. De sluiting van de oppervlakte energiebalans in Cabauw gedurende TEBEX (1995-1996)

    Het niet sluitend zijn van de oppervlakte energiebalans is een international erkend probleem. Het...

    P.S. Kroon | --2004 | pp76
  18. Precipitation amount and intensity measurements using a windscreen

    Measurements of precipitation amounts with precipitation gauges are affected by various error sou...

    Wiel Wauben | --2004 | pp47
  19. Report on the radiation measurements of EBEX

    Report on the radiation measurements of EBEX 

    W. Kohsiek | --2004 | pp28
  20. Boundary layer ozone and cloud coverage at Paramaribo Station (5.8N 55.2W)

    This report covers the first results of two new parameters measured at the para-maribo station af...

    Stijn Maas | --2004 | pp40
  21. Assessment of data quality of water vapor measurements in Paramaribo : January-March 2004

    This report presents the results of an investigation to improve data quality of water vapor measu...

    Pier Dolmans | --2004 | pp46
  22. Het verdwijnen van mist overdag

    Een uurlijkse kansberekening ten behoeve van weg- en luchtvaartverkeer

    J.M. Terpstra | --2004 | pp96
  23. Precipitation amount and intensity measurements with the Ott Pluvio

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) performs routine precipitation amount measu...

    Wiel Wauben | --2004 | pp94
  24. Evaluation study of the Kain-Fritsch convection scheme

    Cumulus clouds occur on spatial scales that are too small to be explicitly resolved by state of t...

    Sander Jonkers | --2004 | pp69
  25. A Combined Physical–Statistical Approach for the Downscaling of Model Wind Speed

    In this paper a combined physical–statistical approach for the downscaling of model wind speed is...

    Wim de Rooy, Kees Kok | Weather and Forecasting | 2004 | 19