
Workshop "Remote sensing in the O2 A-band"

05 July 2016

De Bilt, The Netherlands, 6 - 8 July 2016

Aim of the workshop is to bring together satellite and ground-based O2 A-band observational experts, radiative transfer specialists, and retrieval algorithm developers from different applications, to inform each other about state-of-art methods and observations, and to prepare for the coming years with many more O2 A-band data, especially from satellite.

A large version of the group photo can be found here and a zoomable 3D version of the group photo can be found here. The detailed final programme is available here and the presentations can be obtained from Piet Stammes.

List of presentations and posters

scroll onderstaande tabel om meer te zien
Name Institute Title
Piet  Stammes KNMI Introduction of workshop
Maarten Krol U. Wageningen Rise and fall of atmospheric oxygen
Session 1: General RT modelling
Anthony Davis NASA JPL The O2 A-band Godsend: Use Absorption to Understand Scattering
Johan de Haan KNMI Integration over the instrumental slit function for line absorbing species
Beke Kremmling MPIC Mainz Investigation of photon path length distributions in cloudy atmospheres using GOSAT satellite measurements
Adrian Doicu DLR A Stochastic cloud model for cloud and ozone retrievals from UV measurements
Ha Tran LISA, Paris Line mixing and collision-induced absorption by oxygen in the A band
Peter Somkuti U. Leicester Fast Radiative Transfer Methods and their Application on Greenhouse Gas Retrievals
Nicolas Ferlay LOA Some insights into the vertical penetration within cloud cover of solar backscattered radiation - Application to oxygen A band multiangular measurements
Brian Drouin NASA JPL Multispectrum analysis of the oxygen A-band
Session 2: Instrumentation and measurements
David Long NIST High-precision cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the O2 A-band
Qilong Min U. Albany Photon path length distribution and oxygen A-band spectrometer
Michael Sterzik ESO O2A-band spectropolarimetry through measurement of Earthshine
Jun Wang U. Nebraska Polarimetric remote sensing in oxygen A and B bands: sensitivity study and information content analysis for aerosol profiles
Yasjka Meijer ESA Overview of ESA satellite missions measuring in the O2 A-band
Session 3: Retrievals using wavelength bands
Alexander Marshak NASA GSFCUsing the EPIC/DSCOVR O2 B-band for monitoring vegetation
Cintia Carbajal FU Berlin Cloud parameters from MERIS and AATSR
Alexander Kokhanovsky EUMETSAT The determination of cloud top height using the 3MI instrument on board the future generation of EUMETSAT Polar Satellites (EPS-SG)
Laurent Labonnote U. Lille LOA Cloud information content analysis of multi-angular measurements in the oxygen A-band: application to 3MI and MSPI
Rene Preusker FU Berlin OLCI Oxygen-A band measurements
Session 4: Retrievals using moderate resolution spectrum
Bram Sanders U. Bremen Recent developments in Aerosol Layer Height retrieval from the O2 A band for Sentinel-5 Precursor
Haili Hu SRON The operational methane retrieval algorithm for TROPOMI
Thomas Wagner MPIC Mainz Quantitative comparison of O4 absorptions in the UV observed by MAX-DOAS and derived from radiative transfer simulations
Piet Stammes KNMI FRESCO method: fitting the O2 A-band reflectance spectrum with a simple atmospheric model
Nicolas Ferlay U. Lille LOA Improved inference of cloud vertical structure from POLDER/PARASOL measurements in the oxygen A bands (CLOVES product)
Maarten Sneep KNMI Improvements for the OMI O2-O2 cloud retrieval algorithm
Diego Loyola DLR The operational Sentinel-5 Precursor and Sentinel-4 Cloud Products
Session 5: Retrievals using high resolution spectrum
David Crisp NASA JPL The O2 A-band Spectrometer on the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
Kihiko Kuze JAXA Two-linear-polarization measurement of O2 A band with TANSO-FTS onboard GOSAT
Suniti Sanghavi NASA JPL Sensitivity analysis of polarimetric O2 A-band spectra for potential cloud retrievals using OCO-2/GOSAT measurements
Andre Butz KIT Karlsruhe Using ocean-glint scattered O2A-band spectra as a diagnostic tool for satellite remote sensing
Vijay Natraj NASA JPL Retrieval of Aerosol Vertical Profiles Using the Oxygen A-band
Session 6: Applications
Willem Verstraeten KNMI Sun-induced vegetation fluorescence time series retrieved from GOME-2: evaluation with Australian flux tower data
Luca Lelli U. Bremen Cloud trends from multi-sensor passive observations in the oxygen A-band
Yuekui Yang NASA GSFC Applications of the DSCOVR-EPIC O2 A- and B-bands
Christiaan van der Tol U. Twente ITC Retrieval of photosynthesis and crop stress from chlorophyll fluorescence
Ping Wang KNMI Cloud retrieval from GOME-2 using oxygen absorption and its applications
All   Introduction of posters (one slide per poster)
Mathieu Compiegne Hygeos Fast high spectral resolution polarized radiative transfer with GPU based Monte-Carlo
Aastha Parikh U. Amsterdam An alternative method for aerosol profile retrieval using the O2 A-band
Omid Moeini York Univ. Impact of O2 A- and B-band Spectral Parameters from HITRAN-2012 on Temperature and Pressure Profiles Retrieved from the ACE-MAESTRO Spectra
Luca Lelli U. Bremen Polarized radiative transfer with inelastic scattering in presence of clouds and aerosols
Wonei Choi Nat. U. Pukyong Development of an aerosol height retrieval algorithm using the O4 absorption based on GEMS measurements
Nanda Swadhin KNMI Recent developments in the operational aerosol layer height retrieval algorithm for the Sentinel-4 mission
Philippe Dubuisson U. Lille LOA A 3MI and METImage simulator for the O2 A-band channels using the ARTDECO radiative transfer package
Phil Watts EUMETSAT CTP from METImage O2 Band: Discussion paper on the EUMETSAT algorithm and potential development
Bram Sanders U. Bremen Desert dust outbreaks near West-Africa observed with SCIAMACHY: Case studies for Aerosol Layer Height retrieval for Sentinel-5 Precursor
L. Gijs Tilstra KNMI Aerosol height information from the GOME-2 Absorbing Aerosol Height product
Piet Stammes KNMI Global cloud height characteristics from satellite measurements of the oxygen A-band
Julien Chimot Tech. U. Delft Aerosol retrievals from OMI using the 477 nm O2-O2 band



KNMI, De Bilt, The Netherlands. See this page for traveling directions.

Time schedule

The workhop will start on Wednesday 6 July at 8:30 AM with registration and putting up posters. The opening address will be at 9:15 AM. Then we have two-and-half days of presentations and discussions in plenary sessions. The workshop will end on Friday 8 July at 13:30.

Social events

  • On Wednesday evening 6 July there will be a barbecue at KNMI.
  • On Thursday evening 7 July we will have a boat trip and dinner in the city of Utrecht.
  • On Friday 8 July, there is the option to go to the Kroller-Muller museum in Otterlo (1 hour from De Bilt). There is a Van Gogh exhibition and a sculpture garden in the middle of the forest. The excursion will cost about 30 Euro per person. Please let us know if you are interested to join the excursion, by 24 June at the latest.

Workshop topics

  • Spectroscopy of the O2 A-band
  • Radiative transfer modelling of the O2 A-band, e.g. multiple scattering, diffusion theory, 3D effects, k-distributions
  • Information content of the O2 A-band
  • Retrieval or inversion techniques for the O2 A-band
  • Ground-based observations
  • Satellite observations
  • New instruments and satellite missions
  • Applications of the O2 A-band, including but not limited to:
    • Clouds: height, geometrical thickness and multi-layer retrievals
    • Aerosol height retrieval
    • Surface pressure retrieval
    • Fluorescence retrieval
    • Light path correction for greenhouse gas retrievals
  • Validation of O2 A-band retrievals.
  • Similarly for other O2 absorption bands, like the O2 B-band, the O2 gamma band, and the O2-O2 collision complex bands.

Workshop format

The workshop will have the format of a 3-day plenary meeting, with 20-minute oral presentations and posters. There will be sufficient time allocated for discussions. The workshop is by invitation only; the maximum number of participants is 75. No fee will be required, but participants are required to fund their own travel, hotel, and daily expenses.

Scientific committee

  • Dave Crisp, JPL, Pasadena, USA
  • Anthony Davis, JPL, Pasadena, USA
  • Jürgen Fischer, FUB, Berlin, Germany
  • Luis Guanter, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
  • Otto Hasekamp, SRON, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Alexander Kokhanovsky, EUMETSAT, Germany
  • Akihiko Kuze, JAXA, Japan
  • Qilong Min, NY State Univ., Albany, USA
  • Jerome Riedi, LOA, Lille, France
  • Pepijn Veefkind, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands
  • Yuekui Yang, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, USA

Organizing committee

  • Nicolas Ferlay, LOA, Lille, France
  • Piet Stammes, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands
  • Ping Wang, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands


Piet Stammes
