Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Arctic tern flyways and the changing Atlantic Ocean wind patterns

    Migratory bird trajectories are the result of their own speed and direction in combination with w...

    Nomikos Skyllas, Maarten J.J.E. Loonen, Richard Bintanja | Climate Change Ecology | 2023 | 6
  2. Seasonal and regional contrasts of future trends in interannual arctic climate variability

    Future changes in interannual variability (IAV) of Arctic climate indicators such as sea ice and ...

    Marlen Kolbe1 · Richard Bintanja1, 2 · Eveline C. van der Linden2 | Climate Dynamics | 2023 | 61
  3. Signature of the stratosphere–troposphere coupling on recent record-breaking Antarctic sea-ice anomalies

    In February 2023, the sea-ice extent around Antarctica dropped to 1:79 106 km2, setting a satell...

    Raúl R. Cordero1, Sarah Feron1, 2, Alessandro Damiani3, Pedro J. Llanillo4, Jorge Carrasco5, Alia L. Khan6, 7, Richard Bintanja8, 9, Zutao Ouyang10, and Gino Casassa5 | The Cryosphere | 2023 | 17
  4. Regional polar warming linked to poleward moisture transport variability

    Polar warming, ice melt and strong precipitation events are strongly affected by episodic polewar...

    Richard Bintanja, Rune Grand Graversen, Marlen Kolbe | Environmental Research – Climate | 2023 | 2
  5. Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Future Poleward Moisture Transport and Arctic Climate in EC-Earth2

    Alongside mean increases in poleward moisture transport (PMT) to the Arctic, most climate models ...

    M Kolbe, JPJ Sonnemans, R Bintanja, EC van der Linden,  K van der Wiel, K Whan, I Benedict | Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres | 2023 | 128
  6. The KNMI Large Ensemble Time Slice (KNMI–LENTIS)

    Large-ensemble modelling has become an increasingly popular approach to studying the mean climate...

    L Muntjewerf, R Bintanja, T Reerink, K van der Wiel | Geoscientific Model Development | 2023 | 16
  7. KNMI'23-klimaatscenario's voor Nederland

    Het KNMI presenteert vier nieuwe scenario’s voor klimaatverandering in Nederland inclusief Caribi...

    Janette Bessembinder, Richard Bintanja, Rob van Dorland, Carine Homan, Bernadet Overbeek, Frank Selten, Peter Siegmund | --2023 | pp65
  8. More Frequent, Intense, and Extensive Rainfall Events in a Strongly Warming Arctic

    The changes in the Arctic precipitation profoundly impact the surface mass balance of ice sheet ...

    T. F. Dou , S. F. Pan, R. Bintanja, C. D. Xiao | Earth's Future | 2022 | 10
  9. Extreme Events in the European Renewable Power System: Validation of a Modeling Framework to Estimate Renewable Electricity Production and Demand from Meteorological Data

    With the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the coming decades will see a transition of Eur...

    L van der Most, K van der Wiel, RMJ Benders, PW Gerbens-Leenes, P Kerkmans, R Bintanja | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | 2022 | 170
  10. Increased wheat price spikes and larger economic inequality with 2°C global warming.

    Climate change poses complex impacts on the global wheat supply and demand chain. The impacts of ...

    T Zhang, K van der Wiel, T Wei, J Screen, X Yue, B Zheng, F Selten, R Bintanja, W Anderson, R Blackport, S Glomsrod, Y Liu, X Cui, X Yang | One Earth | 2022 | 5
  11. KNMI Klimaatsignaal'21 Hoe het klimaat in Nederland snel verandert

    Het Klimaatsignaal’21 is gebaseerd op de grote hoeveelheid kennis over klimaatverandering die in ...

    KNMI auteurs per hoofdstuk 1: Peter Siegmund, Bernadet Overbeek, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh † en Hylke de Vries. 2: Peter Siegmund, Rein Haarsma, Nadia Bloemendaal en Job Dullaart. 3: Rob van Dorland. 4: Sybren Drijfhout en Dewi Le Bars. 5: Richard Bintanja, Dewi Le Bars, Caitlin Pot en Nomikos Skyllas. 6: Geert Lenderink, Rob Groenland en Alwin Haklander. 7: Karin van der Wiel, Rein Haarsma, Emma Daniels, Gerard van der Schrier en Emma Aalbers. 8: Andreas Sterl, Jules Beersma en Henk van den Brink. 9: Ben Wichers Schreur. Eindredactie Rob van Dorland | --2021 | pp72
  12. Contribution of climatic changes in mean and variability to monthly temperature and precipitation extremes

    The frequency of climate extremes will change in response to shifts in both mean climate and clim...

    K van der Wiel, R Bintanja | Communications Earth and Environment | 2021 | 2
  13. Ensemble climate-impact modelling: extreme impacts from moderate meteorological conditions

    The investigation of risk due to weather and climate events is an example of policy relevant scie...

    K van der Wiel, FM Selten, R Bintanja, R Blackport, JA Screen | published | Environmental Research Letters | 2020 | 15
  14. Climate state dependence of Arctic precipitation variability

    L Bogerd, EC van der Linden, F Krikken, R Bintanja | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2020 | 125
  15. Future continental summer warming constrained by the present-day seasonal cycle of surface hydrology

    FM Selten, R Bintanja, R Vautard, B van den Hurk | published | Scientific Reports | 2020 | 10
  16. Strong future increases in Arctic precipitation variability linked to poleward moisture transport

    The Arctic region is projected to experience amplified warming as well as strongly increasing pre...

    R Bintanja, K van der Wiel, EC van der Linden, J Reusen, L Bogerd, F Krikken, FM Selten | published | Science Advances | 2020 | 6
  17. Differences between Arctic interannual and decadal variability across climate states

    Long-term climate variations have the potential to amplify or dampen (human-induced) trends in te...

    Jesse Reusen, Eveline van der Linden, Richard Bintanja | Journal of Climate | 2019 | 32
  18. Oceanic heat transport into the Arctic under high and low CO2 forcing

    Enhanced ocean heat transport into the Arctic is linked to stronger future Arctic warming and pol...

    Eveline C van der Linden, Dewi Le Bars, Richard Bintanja, Wilco Hazeleger | Climate Dynamics | 2019 | 53
  19. Minimal influence of reduced Arctic sea ice on coincident cold winters in mid-latitudes

    Observations show that reduced regional sea-ice cover is coincident with cold mid-latitude winter...

    R Blackport, JA Screen, K van der Wiel, R Bintanja | published | Nature Climate Change | 2019 | 9
  20. Future equivalent of 2010 Russian heatwave intensified by weakening soil moisture constraints

    The 2010 heatwave in eastern Europe and Russia (EHW) ranks among the hottest events ever recorded...

    LM Rasmijn, G van der Schrier, R Bintanja, J Barkmeijer, AKA Sterl, W Hazeleger | published | Nature Climate Change | 2018 | 8
  21. Arctic decadal variability in a warming world

    Natural decadal variability of surface air temperature might obscure Arctic temperature trends in...

    Eveline C van der Linden, Richard Bintanja, Wilco Hazeleger | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2017 | 122
  22. Arctic decadal variability in a warming world

    Natural decadal variability of surface air temperature might obscure Arctic temperature trends in...

    van der Linden, Bintanja, Hazeleger | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2017 | 122
  23. Magnitude and pattern of Arctic warming governed by the seasonality of radiative forcing

    R Bintanja, F Krikken | published | Scientific Reports | 2016 | 6
  24. Low-frequency variability of surface air temperature over the Barents Sea: causes and mechanisms

    EC van der Linden, R Bintanja, W Hazeleger, RG Graversen | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2016 | 47
  25. Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antartic sea-ice expansion

    Important role for ocean warming and increased ice-shelf melt in Antartic sea-ice expansion R.Bin...

    R Bintanja | published | knmi document | 2015