Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. A long-term study of sea-breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain)

    C Azorin-Molina, D Chen, ABC Tijm, M Baldi | accepted | Int. J. Climatology | 2009
  2. Deriving the surface soil heat flux from observed soil temperature and soil heat flux profiles using a variational data-assimilation approach.

    A novel approach to infer surface soil heat fluxes from measured profiles of soil temperature, so...

    RJ Ronda, FC Bosveld | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  3. Near Real-Time Sea Ice Discrimination Using SeaWinds on QUIKSCAT

    Within the frame provided by the Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) creat...

    M Belmonte Rivas, A Stoffelen | 2009 | OSISAF | 2009
  4. On Scatterometer Ocean Stress

    Scatterometers estimate the relative atmosphere-ocean motion at spatially high resolution and pro...

    M Portabella, ACM Stoffelen | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2009 | 26
  5. The decline of fog, mist and haze in Europe during the last 30 years: a warming amplifier?

    Europe witnessed a strong surface warming during the last decades that reached more than twice th...

    R Vautard, P Yiou, GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Nature Geoscience | 2009 | 2
  6. Drier Mediterranean Soils due to Greenhouse Warming bring easterly Winds over Summertime Central Europe

    Western European summers become more continental in simulations for the 21st century. Anomalously...

    RJ Haarsma, FM Selten, BJJM van den Hurk, W Hazeleger, X Wang | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2009 | 36
  7. A balanced approximation of the one-layer shallow-water equations on a sphere

    A global version of the equivalent barotropic vorticity equation is derived for the one-layer sha...

    WTM Verkley | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  8. Het hoe, wat en waarom van infrageluid metingen

    Infrageluid is onhoorbaar geluid omdat het bestaat uit frequenties lager dan 20 Hz. Dit type gelu...

    LG Evers | published | Meteorologica | 2009 | 18
  9. Validation of two-dimensional variational ambiguity removal on SeaWinds scatterometer data

    Wind scatterometry is an important technique for retrieving high-resolution near-surface wind inf...

    J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen, A Verhoef, J de Vries, H Bonekamp | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2009 | 26
  10. A revised hydrology for the ECMWF model: Verification from field site to terrestrial water storage and impact in the Integrated Forecast System

    The Tiled ECMWF Scheme for Surface Exchanges over Land (TESSEL) is used operationally in the Inte...

    G Balsamo, P Viterbo, A Beljaars, BJJM van den Hurk, A Betts, K Scipal | published | J. Hydrometeor. | 2009 | 10
  11. Western Europe is warming much faster than expected

    The warming trend of the last decades is now so strong that it is discernible in local temperatur...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, SS Drijfhout, A van Ulden, RJ Haarsma, A Sterl, C Severijns, W Hazeleger, H Dijkstra | published | Climate of the Past | 2009 | 5
  12. Simulations of hydrographic properties in the north western North Atlantic Ocean in Coupled Climate Models.

    F de Jong, SS Drijfhout, W Hazeleger, HM van Aken, CA Severijns | published | J. Climate | 2009 | 22
  13. Evidence of a meteoritic origin of the September 15th, 2007 Carancas crater

    A Le Pichon, K Antier, Y Cansi, B Hernandez, E Minaya, B Burgoa, D Drob, LG Evers, J Vaubaillon | published | Meteoritics & Planetary Science | 2009 | 43
  14. Understanding El Niño in Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Models: progress and challenges

    Anticipating the characteristics of El Niño occurrence, amplitude and remote impacts over the nex...

    E Guilyardi, A Wittenberg, A Fedorov, M Collins, C Wang, A Capotondi, GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2009 | 90
  15. Derivation of a 10-year radar-based climatology of rainfall

    Weather radars give quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) over large areas with high spatial...

    A Overeem, I Holleman, TA Buishand | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  16. Intense coastal rainfall in the Netherlands in response to high sea surface temperatures: analysis of the event of August 2006 from the perspective of a changing climate.

    August 2006 was an exceptionally wet month in the Netherlands, in particular near the coast where...

    G Lenderink, E van Meijgaard, F Selten | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2009 | 32
  17. Wet and sry summers in Europe since 1750: evidence of increasing drought

    Moisture availability across Europe is calculated based on twenty-two stations that have long ins...

    KR Briffa, G van der Schrier, PD Jones | published | Int. J. Climatology | 2009 | 29
  18. Frequency- or amplitude-dependent effects of the Atlantic meridional overturning on the tropical Pacific Ocean

    Using the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model, we study the relation between the variations in the Atlantic merid...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, LA te Raa, HA Dijkstra, SY Philip | published | Ocean Science | 2009 | 5
  19. Projected changes in extreme precipitation in Africa under global warming. Part 1: Southern Africa

    This study investigates likely changes in mean and extreme precipitation in southern Africa in re...

    ME Shongwe, GJ van Oldenborgh, BJJM van den Hurk, B de Boer, CAS Coelho, MK van Aalst | published | J. Climate | 2009 | 22
  20. Significant atmospheric nonlinearities in the ENSO cycle

    The nonlinearities that cause El Nino events to deviate more from the mean state than La Nina ev...

    SY Philip, GJ van Oldenborgh | published | J. Climate | 2009 | 22
  21. De stikstofdioxide-sonde

    Stikstofdioxide is een zeer verontreinigende stof voor mens/dier en milieu en is een steeds grote...

    Wesley Sluis | --2008 | pp90
  22. Validatie van OMI Aerosol waarnemingen met GLOBE Aerosol waarnemingen door scholieren in 2007

    Het GLOBE-aerosol project loopt sinds 2000 in de VS en sinds 2002 op het KNMI. In het kader van d...

    Joris de Vroom | --2008 | pp15
  23. De toestand van het klimaat in Nederland 2008

    Opnieuw vijf warme jaren De opwarming van het Nederlandse klimaat heeft zich de afgelopen vijf j...

    Arie Kattenberg | --2008 | pp48
  24. Achtergronddocument Deltacommissie: Onderzoek naar bovengrensscenario's voor klimaatverandering voor overstromingsbescherming van Nederland

    Deze wetenschappelijke beoordeling over de bovengrens scenario’s voor klimaatverandering is uitg...

    Pier Vellinga, Caroline Katsman, Andreas Sterl, Jules Beersma | 2008
  25. Rainfall depth-duration-frequency curves and their uncertainties

    Rainfall depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves describe rainfall depth as a function of duration ...

    Overeem, Buishand, Holleman | published | J. Hydrol. | 2008 | 348