Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Cosmogenic radionucleide and fine matrix analysis of blockfields, northern Sweden: indications of Quaternary origins

    BW Goodfellow, AP Stroeven, D Fabel, O Fredin, MH Derron, R Bintanja, MW Caffee, SPHT Freeman | submitted | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009
  2. Consistency of reactive trace gases in the integrated reanalysis and forecast run within the GEMS system

    An overview of the GEMS-system consistency from the point of view of the reactive trace gases is ...

    V Huijnen | 2009 | 2009
  3. The influence of biogenic emissions from Africa on tropical tropospheric ozone during 2006: a global modeling study

    We have performed simulations using a 3D global chemistry-transport model to investigate the infl...

    JE Williams, MP Scheele, PFJ van Velthoven, JP Cammas, V Thouret, C Gacy-Lacaux, A Volz-Thomas | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2009 | 9
  4. Stormklimaat en hoogwaters

    Aangedreven door widnen uit het ESSENCE ensemble (17 klimaat runs) wordt met het waterstandsmodel...

    A Sterl, H van den Brink, R Haarsma, H de Vries, E van Meijgaard | published | Meteorologica | 2009 | 18
  5. Reduction of NO2 detected from space during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

    During the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing (from 8 August to 17 September), local au...

    B Mijling, RJ van der A, KF Boersma, M Van Roozendael, I De Smedt, HM Kelder | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2009 | 36
  6. Higher surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet revealed by high-resolution climate modeling

    J Ettema, MR van den Broeke, E van Meijgaard, WJ van de Berg, JL Bamber, JE Box, RC Bales | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2009 | 36
  7. A dual mass flux framework for boundary layer convection. Part I: Transport

    This study considers the question of what is the least complex bulk mass flux framework that can ...

    RAJ Neggers, M Koehler, ACM Beljaars | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  8. A dual mass flux framework for boundary layer convection. Part II: Clouds

    This paper presents the extension of the eddy diffusivity mass flux (EDMF) framework for turbulen...

    RAJ Neggers | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  9. Evaluation of the land surface scheme HTESSEL with satellite derived surface energy fluxes at the seasonal time scale

    E van Meijgaard, L Wipfler, BJJM van den Hurk, K Metselaar, J van Dam, R Feddes, LH van Ulft, S Zwart, W Bastiaanssen | 2009 | 2009 | Lund University, Zweden; Baltex Secretariat, Geeshacht, Germany | Int. Baltex Secretariat Publication
  10. Windstotenklimatologie Nederland

    Dit technisch rapport geeft een overzicht van de ruimtelijke verdelingen van herhalingstijden van...

    N Wever | --2009 | pp56
  11. Improving potential wind for extreme wind statistics

    To correct measured wind for local roughness at the station location, exposure correction factors...

    N Wever, G Groen | 5-3-2009 | pp114
  12. Dutch coasts in transition

    P Kabat, LO Fresco, MJF Stive, CP Veerman, JSLJ van Alphen, BWAH Parmet, W Hazeleger, CA Katsman | published | Nature Geoscience | 2009 | 2
  13. Height resolved ozone hole structure as observed by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment–2

    We present Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) ozone profiles that were operationally r...

    JCA van Peet, RJ van der A, ATJ de Laat, ONE Tuinder, G Koenig-Langlo, J Wittig | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2009 | 36
  14. Reply: Unexpected rise in extreme precipitation caused by a shift in rain type?

    G Lenderink, E van Meijgaard | published | Nature Geoscience | 2009 | 2
  15. The Construction of a Central Netherlands Temperature

    The Central Netherlands Temperature record (CNT) is a monthly daily mean temperature time series ...

    A van Ulden, GJ van Oldenborgh, G van der Schrier | 28-5-2009 | pp15
  16. Evaluation of tropospheric ozone columns derived from assimilated GOME ozone profile observations

    Abstract. Tropospheric O3 column estimates are produced and evaluated from spaceborne O3 observat...

    ATJ de Laat, RJ van der A, M van Weele | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2009 | 9
  17. ASCAT tandem coverage

    In order to examine the coverage of a system of two identical satellite scatterometers, a study i...

    JA Verspeek, A Stoffelen | 2009 | KNMI | 2009
  18. ADM-Aeolus Level-2B/2C Processor Input/Output Data Definitions Interface Control Document

    definitie van alle gebruikte file formaten

    D Tan, E Andersson, A Dabas, P Poli, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, D Huber | 2009 | ESA | 2009
  19. AEOLUS Level-2B Processor Software User's Manual, v.1.40

    This document is the Software User’s Manual for the Aeolus Level-2B Processor (version 1.40). Its...

    D Tan, E Andersson, J de Kloe, A Stoffelen, D Huber, P Poli, A Dabas | 2009 | ESA | 2009
  20. ADM-AEOLUS Level-2B Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document, v2.2

    This document is the Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document for the ADM-Aeolus Level-2B Processo...

    D Tan, E Andersson, P Poli, A Dabas, J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen | 2009 | ESA | 2009
  21. TN3.1b, Test results for the L2B processor, v0.1

    This document describes the results of the execution of the tests defined in the document "TN3.1a...

    A Dabas, A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille, J de Kloe, D Huber | 2009 | ESA | 2009
  22. ADM-Aeolus, VAMP, Vertical Aeolus Measurement Positioning, TN3, v0.3

    This document describes the work done and the results obtained for Work Package (WP) 4 of the Ver...

    J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen | 2009 | ESA | 2009
  23. SEVIRI rainfall retrieval and validation using weather radar observations

    This paper presents and validates a new algorithm to detect precipitating clouds and estimate rai...

    RA Roebeling, I Holleman | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009 | 114
  24. Towards a standard procedure for validation of satellite-derived cloud liquid water path: a study with SEVIRI data

    Differences between satellite-derived and ground-based values of cloud liquid water path (LWPsat ...

    W Greuell, RA Roebeling | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  25. Validating the validation: the influence of liquid water distribution in clouds on the intercomparison of satellite and surface observations

    The intercomparison of LWP retrievals from observations by a geostationary satellite imager (SEVI...

    NAJ Schutgens, RA Roebeling | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2009 | 26