Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Evaluation of diabatic initialization improvements in the numerical weather prediction model Hirlam

    GT Geertsema, BGL Wichers Schreur | 2009 | 2009 | AQ7
  2. HYMN project overview: Final leaflet with key findings

    HYMN Key findings • Tropical latitudes are dominant for variations in methane emissions and chemi...

    M van Weele, PFJ van Velthoven | 2009 | 0
  3. An Optimal-Estimation based hybrid Rayleigh-Mie Extinction and Backscatter retrieval Method for HSRL lidars

    The Rayleigh signal from a High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) can be used to estimate the exti...

    DP Donovan, GJ van Zadelhoff | published | 2009 | 0 | Delft/KNMI/RIVM | The Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling | yes
  4. The Environment of Precipitating Shallow Cumulus Convection

    L Nuijens, B Stevens, AP Siebesma | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  5. Variability of Local Structure Parameters in the Convective Boundary Layer

    S Cheinet, AP Siebesma | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  6. Cloud-Controlling Factors

    AP Siebesma | published | Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System | 2009 | MIT Press | yes
  7. Microphysical properties of cirrus clouds as derived from CloudSat/CALIPSO

    Through their interaction with solar and thermal radiation, ice clouds are important in determini...

    E Boesche, GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan | published | 2009 | 2009 | Delft/KNMI/RIVM | Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling | yes
  8. A potential FeatureMask algorithm for the EarthCARE lidar

    The Earth Clouds, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) is a combined ESA/JAXA mission to be...

    GJ van Zadelhoff, DP Donovan | published | 2009 | 0 | Delft/KNMI/RIVM | Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling | yes
  9. Aerosol microphysical properties from inversion of tropospheric optical Raman lidar data

    The inversion of optical Raman lidar data, to retrieve microphysicalaerosol properties, is challe...

    M de Graaf, DP Donovan, A Apituley | published | 2009 | 0 | Delft/RIVM/KNMI | Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling | yes
  10. Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling

    Sensors synergy (combining different observational techniques) is widely used for retrieving the ...

    S Placidi, DP Donovan, R Roebling, HWJ Russchenberg | 2009 | 0 | Delft/KNMI/RIVM | Organizing Committee of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
  11. NEMO + LIM + IFS + OASIS = EC-Earth

    A short description of EC-Earth is given. The main emphasis on the coupling and especially on the...

    A Sterl, C Severijns | 2009 | 2009 | CERFACS
  12. Evaluation of the ENSEMBLES Prediction System

    AMG Klein Tank, E Manzini, P Braconnot, F Doblas-Reyes, TA Buishand, A Morse | 2009 | Met Office Hadley Centre, FitzRoy Road, Exeter EX1 3PB, UK. 95-106 | 2009
  13. SMOS satelliet gelanceerd

    B van den Hurk | published | Meteorologica | 2009 | 4
  14. Guidelines on analysis of extremes in a changing climate in support of informed decisions for adaptation

    AMG Klein Tank, FW Zwiers, X Zhang | 2009 | WMO, Geneva | 2009
  15. IPCC report, KNMI scenarios and the Delta Committee

    A Klein Tank | published | Meteorologica | 2009
  16. CLIVAR/CCl/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices

    F Zwiers, A Klein Tank, H Cattle | published | Exchanges | 2009 | 14
  17. Klimaatverandering in Nederland: Aanvullingen op de KNMI'06 scenario's

    Aanvullingen op de KNMI'06-klimaatscenario's, publicatie in 2009.

    A Klein Tank, G Lenderink | Scenario brochure 2009 | 27-7-2009 | pp36
  18. Basisgegevens neerslaggenerator Maasstroomgebied

    Het document beschrijft van welke neerslag- en temperatuurgegevens de neerslaggenerator voor het ...

    TA Buishand | 2009 | 2009
  19. ICOADS Marine Data Rescue: Status and Future CDMP Priorities

    Completion of another full International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) update ...

    SD Woodruff, E Freeman, C Wilkinson, R Allan, H Anderson, P Brohan, G Compo, S Claesson, FB Koek, S Lubker, C Marzin, T Ross, M Seiderman, D Wheeler, S Worley | 2009 | 2009
  20. Gevoelstemperatuur in de winter, invoering JAG/TI-methode

    Het KNMI hanteert sinds 1992 voor de berekening van de gevoelstemperatuur in de winter (de zogena...

    G Groen | published | Meteorologica | 2009
  21. Development of a Nitrogen Dioxide Sonde

    WW Sluis, MAF Allaart, AJM Piters | 2009 | 2009

    T Vlemmix, AJM Piters, P Stammes, P Wang, PF Levelt | 2009 | 2009
  23. Tropospheric Ozone Lidar for OMI validation

    AM Hoexum, A Apituley, MAF Allaart, AJM Piters | 2009 | 2009
  24. Comparing GOMOS BL O3 and NO2 profiles with SCIAMACHY profiles.

    AJM Piters | 2009 | 0
  25. ADM-Aeolus vertical sampling scenarios

    The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission ADM-Aeolus is scheduled for launch in April 2011. ADM-Aeolus is ...

    GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, J de Kloe, K Houchi, H Kornich, H Schyberg, AG Straume, O LeRille | 2009 | 2009 | KNMI - TU Delft - RIVM