The strongly increasing interest for historical climate data (HISKLIM, CLIWOC, RECLAIM, ACRES) ov...
The original Beaufort scale of wind force is a scale that does not present the actual velocity wi...
The study of infrasound is experiencing a renaissance since it was chosen as a verification techn...
Monthly temperature series for Central Europe back to AD 1500 are developed from documentary inde...
Dit klimaatschetsboek heeft als doel een landelijk overzicht te geven van wat er wetenschappelijk...
The origin of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere over the Eura...
In 2006 heeft het KNMI de KNMI’06 klimaatscenario’s voor 2050 gepubliceerd (Van den Hurk et al. ...
The report presents the background, climatology and scenarios of the windchill equivalent temper...
Bij koud, vriezend winterweer voelt het als het waait, kouder aan dan de thermometer aangeeft; de...
For the assessment of the Hydraulic Boundary Conditions (HBC), information is required on wind co...
Increasing our understanding of the equatorial Pacific climate phenomenon El Niño – Southern Osci...
In recent years, a substantial reduction of the sea ice in the Arctic has been observed. At the s...
In the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model a collapse of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation results in a globa...
From May 2003 through June 2005 a field experiment was carried out at the KNMI terrain in De Bilt...
Bij vriezend weer voelt het op een winderige dag, met meer warmteverlies door de wind, kouder aan...
The U.S. Maury Collection (1796 1861), further denoted as MC, has been digitized in China during ...
In only 10 years, the Argo Program has grown from an idea into a functioning global observing sys...
he implementation and application of a newly developed coupled system combining ECMWF's integrate...
Infrasound was first discovered after the destructive eruption of the Krakatoa in Indonesia (1883...
The study of infrasound is experiencing a renaissance in recent years since it was chosen as a ve...