Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Discharge simulations performed with a hydrological model using bias corrected regional climate model input

    Studies have demonstrated that precipitation on Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes has increased i...

    S van Pelt, P Kabat, H ter Maat, BJJM van den Hurk, A Weerts | published | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2009 | 13
  2. Parameter Sensitivity in LSMs: An Analysis Using Stochastic Soil Moisture Models and ELDAS Soil Parameters

    Integration of simulated and observed states through data assimilation as well as model evaluatio...

    R Teuling, R Uijlenhoet, B van den Hurk, S Seneviratne | published | J. Hydrometeor. | 2009 | 10
  3. Imaging of the atmosphere with infrasound

    Ground-truth sources in infrasound are rare but very useful for assessing the accuracy of wind an...

    LG Evers | published | 2009 | 2009 | yes
  4. The effect of updating scavenging and conversion rates on cloud droplets and ice particles in the TM global chemistry transport model

    In this technical report we document the updates which have been made to the heterogeneous reacti...

    JE Williams, GJ van Zadelhoff, MP Scheele | 28-8-2009 | pp45
  5. Lateral mixing in shallow convection: In theory and in practice

    Analytical expressions, in principle also valid for an ensemble of clouds, are derived for $\eps$...

    WC de Rooy, AP Siebesma | published | Hirlam Newsletter | 2009
  6. Storm 25 januari 1990, vergelijking potentiƫle wind

    Bij het onderzoek Extreme wind Statistics (KNMI/ Waterdienst/Deltares, WTI2011) is de mogelijke o...

    G Groen | 2009 | 0
  7. Discussie NVBM over het rapport van de Deltacommissie

    De Nederlandse Vereniging van Beroepsmeteorologen heeft een discussiemiddag over het werk van de ...

    G Groen | published | Meteorologica | 2009
  8. Maandoverzicht juli 2009

    Als vervanger tijdens vakantie is het maandoverzicht van juli 2009 geschreven.

    G Groen | Maandoverzicht juli 2009 | 3-8-2009 | pp0
  9. Verification of moisture budgets during drifting snow conditions in a cold wind tunnel

    Experiments in a cold wind tunnel were used to verify drifting snow sublimation models. A layer o...

    N Wever, M Lehning, A Clifton, JD Ruedi, K Nishimura, M Nemoto, S Yamaguchi, A Sato | published | Water Resour. Res. | 2009 | 45
  10. Real-Time Water Vapor Maps from a GPS Surface Network: Construction, Validation, and Applications

    In this paper the construction of real-time integrated water vapor (IWV) maps from a surface netw...

    S de Haan, I Holleman, AAM Holtslag | published | J. Appl. Meteor. | 2009 | 48
  11. Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. I: Single-layer cloud

    Results are presented from an intercomparison of single-column and cloud-resolving model simulati...

    SA Klein, et al., RAJ Neggers | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2009 | 135
  12. A climatology of infrasound observations at the ARCI array in Norway

    Infrasound was first discovered after the violent eruption of the Krakatoa, Indonesia, in 1883. L...

    LG Evers, J Schweitzer | published | 2009
  13. EC-Earth: a seamless prediction approach to earth system modelling

    W Hazeleger | published | SOLAS Newsletter | 2009 | 9
  14. Automatische validatie van druk- en windwaarnemingen op het KNMI - een verkenning

    MJ de Haij | 0-3-2009 | pp80
  15. Towards a Standard Procedure for Validation of Satellite Derived Cloud Properties with Ground-Based Observations

    This paper presents a standard procedure for the validation of cloud properties retrievals from s...

    RA Roebeling, H Deneke, W Greuell, NAJ Schutgens | 2009 | 2009 | OSA
  16. Lotos-euros verwachting van fijn stof: vergelijking met metingen en optimalisatie

    Als onderdeel van het project Dynamische Maximumsnelheden onderzoekt Rijkswaterstaat het effect v...

    MS de Ruyter de Wildt, HJ Eskes, PFJ van Velthoven | 2009 | 2009
  17. Lotos-Euros versie 1.4: bias-correctie voor PM10

    Voor de nieuwe operationele luchtkwaliteitverwachting van het RIVM, TNO en het KNMI is er een nie...

    MS de Ruyter de Wildt, HJ Eskes, PFJ van Velthoven | 2009 | 2009
  18. The effect of improved nowcasting of precipitation on air quality modeling

    GT Geertsema, BGJ Wichers Schreur | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2009 | 43
  19. Luchtkwaliteitsverwachtingen (LuKwa): Productspecificatie en datastomen

    H Eskes | published | 2009
  20. Energy budget of the extreme Autumn 2006 in Europe

    Autumn 2006 was extraordinarily mild in many parts of Europe. Near-surface temperatures were more...

    ME Shongwe, RG Graversen, GJ van Oldenborgh, BJJM van den Hurk, FJ Doblas-Reyes | published | Clim. Dyn. | 2009
  21. The zonal structure of tropical O3 and CO as observed by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer in November 2004 - Part 2: Impact of surface emissions on O3 and its precursors

    The impact of surface emissions on the zonal structure of tropical tropospheric ozone and carbon ...

    KW Bowman, DBA Jones, JA Logan, H Worden, KF Boersma, et al. | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2009
  22. Validation of urban NO2 concentrations and their diurnal and seasonal variations observed from space (SCIAMACHY and OMI sensors) using in situ measurements in Israeli cities

    Abstract. We compare a full-year (2006) record of surface air NO2 concentrations measured in Isra...

    KF Boersma, DJ Jacob, M Trainic, Y Rudich, I DeSmedt, RJ Dirksen, HJ Eskes | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2009
  23. Satellite derived trends in NO2 over the major global hotspot regions during the past decade and their inter-comparison

    We assessed satellite derived tropospheric NO2 distribution on a global scale and identified the ...

    SD Ghude, RJ van der A, G Beig, S Fadnavis, SD Polade | published | Environmental Pollution | 2009 | 157
  24. IJstijden: hoe, wat, waar en waarom

    R Bintanja | published | Zenit | 2009
  25. The carbon cycle during the Mid Pleistocene Transition: the Southern Ocean decoupling hypothesis

    P Koehler, R Bintanja | published | Climate of the Past Discussions | 2009 | 4