In this report various existing methods for variational quality control are compared.
Using triple collocation techniques with two models and one observation systems, the parameters i...
The possible use of 14CO measurements to constrain hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations in the at...
De aarde warmt op door het versterkte broeikaseffect en Nederland heeft een uitzonderlijke reeks ...
The modified Carbon Bond Mechanism 4 (Houweling et al., 1998) has been updated to include the mos...
De chemische samenstelling van de atmosfeer hangt op vele manieren samen met de toestand van het ...
A satellite retrieval of surface solar irradiance based on METEOSAT SEVIRI-derived cloud properti...
Methane retrievals from near-infrared spectra recorded by the SCIAMACHY instrument onboard ENVISA...
The validation of the collection 2 level 1b radiance and irradiance data measured with the Ozone ...
The EUMETSAT Advanced Scatterometer ASCAT on MetOp-A was launched on 19 October 2006 as the third...