Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Determination of mixing layer height from ceilometer backscatter profiles

    Mixing layer height (MLH) is a key parameter in many atmospheric boundary layer studies and proce...

    MJ de Haij, WMF Wauben, H Klein Baltink | 2006 | 2006 | SPIE
  2. De zomerstorm van 1674

    G van der Schrier | published | kwartaalblad historische vereniging Vleuten-de Mee | 2006 | 26
  3. A modified band approach for the accurate calculation of online photolysis rates in stratospheric-tropospheric Chemistry Transport Models

    Here we present an efficient and accurate method for the online calculation of photolysis rates r...

    JE Williams, J Landgraf, A Bregman, HH Walter | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2006 | 6
  4. Probabilistic 0-12 h forecasts of (severe) thunderstorms in the Netherlands

    MJ Schmeits, CJ Kok, DHP Vogelezang, RM van Westrhenen | 2006 | 2006 | EUMETNET/SRNWP
  5. The Canadian CloudSat Validation Project

    The CloudSat satellite mission, a joint venture by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency, has deploy...

    D Hudak, H Barker, P Rodriguez, D Donovan | 2006 | 0
  6. The ESA EarthCARE Mission. Development of 3 along-track views angular dependence models for improved radiance to flux conversion

    ABSTRACT The EarthCARE (Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer) Broad Band Radiometer (BBR...

    E Lopez-Baeza, C Domenech, H Barker, M Bouvet, D Donovan, A Velazquez | 2006 | 0
  7. The use of cicular polarization in Space-based lidar systems: Considerations for the ErathCARE lidar

    The proposed Earth Clouds And Radiation Explorer (Earth-CARE) satellite mission is at joint Europ...

    D P Donovan | 2006 | 0
  8. Changes in extreme weather in Africa under global warming

    Many of the impacts of climate change will materialize through changes in extreme events such as ...

    Mxolisi Shongwe, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Bas de Boer, Bart van den Hurk, Maarten van Aalst (Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre) | 13-11-2006 | pp8
  9. The ASSET intercomparison of ozone analyses: method and first results

    This paper aims to summarise the current performance of ozone data assimilation (DA) systems, to ...

    AJ Geer, WA Lahoz, S Bekki, N Bormann, Q Errera, HJ Eskes, D Fonteyn, DR Jackson, MN Juckes, S Massart, VH Peuch, S Rharmili, AJ Segers | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2006 | 6
  10. Validation of OMI total ozone using ground-based Brewer observations

    Near-to-real time as well as archive quality Brewer total ozone observations, which are performed...

    D Balis, E Brinksma, M Kroon, V Amiridis, C Zerefos | 0 | 2006 | ESA ESRIN
  11. Geophysical Validation of SCIAMACHY Limb Ozone Profiles

    We discuss the quality of the two available SCIAMACHY limb ozone profile products. They were retr...

    EJ Brinksma, A Bracher, DE Lolkema, AJ Segers, ....., AJM Piters | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2006 | 6
  12. KNMI Radar Methods

    Herman R.A. Wessels has worked as a (senior) scientist at KNMI from 1962 until his retirement in ...

    HRA Wessels | 1-12-2006 | pp125
  13. Maand- en seizoensverwachtingen

    Het KNMI verspreid al een paar jaar seizoensverwachtingen, en sinds kort is er op experimentele b...

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | Meteorologica | 2006
  14. Al weer een recordwarme herfst

    GJ van Oldenborgh | published | KNMI Kenniscentrum | 2006
  15. Evaluation of Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms

    An evaluation is made of ozone profiles retrieved from measurements of the nadir-viewing Global O...

    YJ Meijer, HM Kelder, RJ van der A, RF van Oss | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2006 | 111
  16. BALTEX Reference Sites have completed Data Delivery for CEOP Phase 1

    F Beyrich, FC Bosveld, T Savunen, J Poutiainen | published | BALTEX Newsletter | 2006
  17. ADM-Aeolus Doppler wind lidar Observing System Simulation Experiment

    Within the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Aeolus (ADM-Aeolus) the European Space Agency (ESA) has a...

    A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille, F Bouttier, D Vasiljevic, S de Haan, C Cardinali | published | Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | 2006 | 132
  18. Handmatig aanpassen van een numerieke weersanalyse II

    Numerieke weersvoorspellingen worden steeds beter. Desondanks blijft het nodig dat deze voorspell...

    AMM Manders | submitted | Meteorologica | 2006
  19. Modification of a weather analysis and its effect on the forecast

    Water vapour (WV) radiance mesasurements from satellites can give valuable information on the sta...

    AMM Manders, WTM Verkley, AR Moene, JJ Diepeveen | 2006 | 0
  20. Seasonal and latitudinal variation of atmospheric methane: a ground-based and ship-borne solar IR spectroscopic study

    Column-averaged volume mixing ratios of CH4 were retrieved with a precision of better than 0.5% f...

    T Warneke, JF Meirink, P Bergamaschi, JU Grooss, J Notholt, GC Toon, V Velazco, APH Goede, O Schrems | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2006 | 33
  21. Last Glacial Maximum temperatures over the North Atlantic, Europe and western Siberia: a comparison between PMIP models, MARGO sea-surface temperatures and pollen-based reconstructions

    M Kageyama, A Laine, A Abe-Ouchi, P Braconnot, E Cortijo, A de Vernal, CD Hewitt, A Kitoh, O Marti, B Otto-Bliesner, WR Peltier, A Rosell-Mele, G Vettoretti, SL Weber, MARGO Project Members | published | Quatern. Science Rev. | 2006 | 25
  22. Bias adjustment of radar-based 3-hour precipitation accumulations

    In this technical report it is demonstrated that the quality of the 3-hour accumulation product c...

    I Holleman | 11-10-2006 | pp56
  23. FRESCO+ : an improved cloud algorithm for GOME and SCIAMACHY

    P Wang, P Stammes, N Fournier, RJ van der A | 2006 | 2006 | ESA | ESA SP-628
  24. Impact of the effective cloud fraction assumption on tropospheric NO2 retrievals

    P Wang, P Stammes, KF Boersma | 2006 | 2006 | ESA | ESA SP-628
  25. Recommendations from GOME-2 scientists for the EPS/MetOp Cal/Val phase

    M Dobber, P Stammes | 2006 | 2006 | ESA | ESA SP-618