Generator of Rainfall And Discharge Extremes
GRADE is developed to estimate/simulate extreme discharge statistics for the Rhine and the Meuse rivers under current and future climate conditions. GRADE essentially is a modelling tool that consists of three components: a stochastic weather generator, a rainfall-runoff (hydrological) model and a hydraulic model. GRADE is developed in close cooperation by RWS-WVL (as part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment), Deltares and KNMI. KNMI is responsible for the development, maintenance and updates of the weather generators for the Rhine and Meuse basins. GRADE is an official instrument used by RWS to judge the current situation of the Dutch river dikes and to design the dikes that have to be reworked. This judgement is constituted in de so-called “Waterwet” (the Dutch Water act) and occurs every 6 years. In 2017 there will again be such a judgment and the next one is scheduled for 2023 (so-called WBI cycle).